
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thanks So Much

Hello there!
How are you all today?

Last night I had a little time to get crafty
and this is the card that resulted.

I started out with some Olive Bazzill cardstock folded into a standard-size card. I covered it nearly completely with this gorgeous paper from Basic Grey's Wisteria collection. I picked it up for $.40 at my local scrapbooking store on my birthday last week. Score!

I took a piece of vanilla Bazzill cardstock and a green polkadot scrap from My Mind's Eye and ran them through my Cuttlebug using the Tim Holtz baroque label die. I cut the green piece in half and adhered it to the vanilla. Covered the seam with some green Pure Color grosgrain ribbon and attached it with a stapler.

I stamped my sentiment from Fiskars with some Crushed Olive Colorbox fluid chalk ink.
Then I took a scrap of Basic Gray Kioshi paper and ran that through my Cuttlebug using Tim Holtz's distressed flowers die. I sandwiched the second largest and the smallest flowers around a purple prima and added a ATD gem to the center. I punched out some fern leaves with an EK Success punch and stuck those behind with mini glue dots. I ran a Copic marker around the edge of the vanilla part to give it some definition and popped it off the card with pop dots.

And that's it!
I hope you liked it.
Have a great night. :o)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!

It's my birthday today!
Woohoo! ;o)
My hubby surprised me this morning with my wonderful gift -- the new ipod nano that just came out on Tuesday! I've been wanting one for years, so I was thrilled. Shocked, too, since our usual budget for eachother's gifts is $40 and this was more than three times that amount. But I love it. I really do.

After my lovely surprise, he took the kids to school which allowed me a couple quiet hours alone to myself.
Of course, I had to craft something!
And what better to craft on my birthday than a birthday card?

I used one of my favorite images that I'd been hoarding.
This darling bunny from Lili of the Valley,
that my new friend Lisa stamped and sent me.
Lisa has an AMAZING blog that you really should check out.
Plus, she's just as sweet as can be!
AND -- I'm happy to say that I will be owning some of my own LOTV goodness very soon -- I placed my first order last weekend, and I cannot wait for them to arrive!

I colored my image with copics,
then cut it out using my cuttlebug and nestabilities dies.
I'd planned on doing a post about how I got my cuttlebug, but I never got around to it, so long story short, they went on sale super cheap at work, and I hinted to my hubby that it would make a good Christmas present for me, especially since he also can get my discount. He tried to get it, but we were sold out and he had to get a raincheck. Then he had to tell me, because I had to keep checking the stockroom so I could grab one when they came back in stock. It took almost two months to come in, but when it did, I got the only one! (Since then, we've gotten more.) Since I already knew about it, hubby decided just let me keep it. The week after that, Nestabilities were on sale for 40% off, plus my discount on top of that, so I got a couple at less than $8 a piece. Pretty good, considering retail price is $24.99!

But back to the card...
I covered my balloon with stickles, let it dry, then covered it with glossy accents and let that dry.
The effect is so cool! I don't think you can tell in the pic, but it looks as if the glitter is floating in the glossy accents.

To assemble the card, I used white Bazzill cardstock, covered with patterned paper from Basic Grey's Kioshi collection. I then added a strip of glittery paper from Colorbok and tied on some Orsay ribbon. I stamped my sentiment from Hampton arts, popped that and my image off with dimensional adhesive. The purple polkadot cardstock behind my image and sentiment is also Bazzill. 

Cute, no?
It looks good in my office, so I'm going to keep this one to display. :o)

After I finished the card, my husband picked me up and took me out to lunch at my favorite restaraunt -- Red Lobster, and later I got to go to my local scrapbooking store where I picked up some beautiful new paper. It was such a good day, and I feel so spoiled.

But as if all that were not enough, guess what I found in my mailbox when I came home.

Doesn't this just make you want to squeal?
Sooooo cute!
I actually won a blog giveaway over at the lovely and super-talented Lynette's blog on Monday night, and she let me pick out a stamp set from Lawn Fawn's new release. This Cozy Christmas set is SO me. Quirky and fun. I can't wait to use it. If you've never used Lawn Fawn stamps before, I recommend them highly. They are wonderful! Really great quality, exceptional service (Hello, I WON on Monday night and it ALREADY got here?), and some of the cutest images on the planet. I own two other sets of theirs and I love them so much. They stamp just beautifully.

Okay, well I'm going to go now and have a
chocolate covered strawberry.
I told you I feel spoiled today!
Have a great night, ladies!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dad

First off, I want to wish a very special birthday to my Dad!
He's one of the best men on the planet, and I'm so proud to be his daughter.

Here's the card I made for him.

I was wracking my brain for an image, since I don't have any particularly masculine stamps. I started searching the internet for appropriate digi stamps, and on a whim thought I'd check out printable coloring pages, since they're free. I found this one, and thought it was perfect.

I printed it out on GP cardstock and colored it in with Copic markers. It took a lot of colors and a lot of work to get it to look right. I'm still not completely happy with it -- it's a lot harder to color water and rocks than I thought!

To assemble my card, I folded some gray Bazzill cardstock into a standard sized card, then added a scrap of blue paper from Basic Grey's Marrakech collection. I mounted my image on another piece of matching cardstock and popped it up with dimensional adhesive.

I wrapped a bit of embroidery thread around the card three times and tied it into a little bow. Then I stamped my sentiment from Hampton Arts, trimming the edges into a banner shape. I added a scrap of gray cardstock behind that and trimmed it to echo the banner. I attached that directly to the card.

And that's it!
Parent/Teacher conferences tonight, so I gotta run!
Hope you're all doing well!

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Simple Hi

Hey, everyone!
Wow, where did this week go? Am I right?
Seems like it just buzzed by.

I did get one super-easy card made, and I'm going to try to post it super-quick, as I should be dressing for work at this very moment.
So, here it is:

Like I said, super-simple.
I started with some white Bazzill cardstock, folded to a regular-sized card, and after everything was adhered, I decided to trim it into a square. I don't advise that you do this -- mine came out with a slightly smaller border up top as a result. Oh well, live and learn.

Looking through my stash, I spotted this paper from DCWV that had a whole bunch of glittery squares depicting flowers and birds. I chose four, punched them out with my scalloped square punch, and adhered them to the front of the card.

Then I cut out the little bird and added him with dimensionals.
I put a felt flower ($1 bin at Target) in the center, and a button from my stash with a bit of white embroidery floss through the center, tied into a bow. Stuck on some Making Memories glitter alphas to spell out my sentiment. To finish, I rounded all four corners with my We R Memory Keepers Corner Rounder.

After I got all the pictures done, I decided to add a tiny hot pink butterfly to the top left square. I didn't want to take the photos all over again, so you'll have to just imagine it's there. ;o)

And that's it for me! Hope to have more posts next week.
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Humanoid

Hello, hello, hello!
How are you lovely ladies today? I hope you're doing well.
My fingers are slowly healing up -- I've taken the bandages off one, but the other is going to take a little longer. I probably should have had stitches, and I'll have a nice scar when all's said and done. It's funny how that isnt' such a big deal at this stage in life.

I still haven't sat down at my craft table, but I thought I'd share this card that I made the weekend before my little smash-up. My son needed a card for his friend's birthday party, so I rustled up this little number. It came out a bit more colorful and chaotic than I intended (this is what happens when I don't lay out all my supplies and coordinate them beforehand) but considering the occasion (child's birthday) I thought it was still worth giving.

The images are from Stampendous. It's a build-a-robot set with an assortment of heads, bodies, arms and legs, and even a dog and a cat. Very versatile and great for cards for little boys. I built my 'bot and his little pal, then colored them in with copic markers.
The ciaos shown are R27 and G03.

To assemble the card I folded white GP cardstock to the standard size, then covered it with a gear print from The Paper Studio. I took another piece of cardstock and stamped the Hero Arts cloud background with Colorbox Fluid Chalk ink in Lime Pastel. Rounded the corners with my We R Memory Keepers Corner Chomper, and mounted it with dimensional adhesive.

I realized at this point that the patterns were too busy together,
so I attempted to break it up a little by coloring a strip of white cardstock with an orange copic, trimming it into thin strips, and layering them between the two pieces. To continue the stitch marks on the gear paper, I added stitching lines to the orange strips with a white gel pen.

To give my robots ground to stand on, I stuck on a strip of artist tape from 7 Gypsies across the bottom of the clouds piece. Love that stuff! I wrote out "happy birthday, humanoid!" in as "robotic" a handwriting as I could manage and drew a speach bubble around it. I trimmed out my images and sentiment and adhered them with more dimensionals. Rounded the corners to echo the clouds.

And that's that! I'm really hoping to get into my craft room soon. I'm getting itchy fingers! Lol. Need to get busy crafting. But before that, I really need to get to bed. Morning will come all too soon. Have a great night, everybody!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

School Days and Smashed Fingers

Hey there, everyone. I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I'm not lost or anything. My oldest son started back to school this week, and since he didn't make it into Montessori this year, I now have two schools to drop off at and pick up at every day. It's working out pretty good, but it sure is a lot of running around. I also started working two day shifts while they are in school. I would have liked to switch to only days, but there aren't any available positions for the rest of the days so far. So now I work Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, in addition to the weekend evenings. Since this past Monday was a holiday, I had to work that too, so I've been busy, busy, busy.

On top of all that, my first morning opening, I smashed my middle and ring fingers of my left hand opening our mall entrance steel and glass doors, and it is extremely painful to do anything like hold a pencil, type, etc. Of course, I'm left-handed. Isn't that always the way?

Needless to say, I have not been near my craft table this week at all. Hopefully as my fingers heal up, and we all adjust to the new schedule, I'll be able to get right back into it. Maybe as early as next week.

Until then, take care, and be crafty!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Moose Tracks

Hello there!
Well, the temps are still high, but fortunately today there was enough of a breeze that it made it bearable to be in my office/craft room. Because my worktable sits right underneath the window, it made for some interesting flying objects whenever I forgot to anchor something down, but I was just so happy to be able to sit down and create that it didn't bother me a bit.

While browsing over at Simone's wonderful blog last night, I discovered a new blog called Wee Memories that is hosting a challenge called "In The Forest." Since I have a special love for woodland critters, I thought I'd try and play along. Here's the card I'm submitting.

I started with this great mini stamp set by Basic Grey. It was part of a recent order and I hadn't had a chance to ink him up yet. I stamped him in Colorbox Fluid Chalk ink in Chestnut Roan on a piece of kraft cardstock that I cut out with my BRAND NEW CUTTLEBUG! Yes, you read that right, and I'll talk more about that later. I used a Tim Holtz label die, then cut it in half with my paper trimmer and rounded the bottom corners with my Corner Chomper.

I masked him off with Inkadinkado's masking paper, then stamped the Hero Arts Clouds background in their Soft Pool shadow ink. I stamped the tall plants/grasses with another stamp from the BG Moose Mini in Colorbox Chalk ink in Olive. Then I filled in the rest of the grass with Ranger Distress Inks in Peeled Paint and went around the sky with Broken China.

The papers I chose were from Cosmo Cricket's Mr. Campy collection, which I LOVE. I used the plaid for the background up top, then cut out two strips of woodgrain for "logs" on the bottom. I wrote out the sentiment on a scrap of kraft cardstock leftover from the trimmed down die cut piece, and wedged it up under the top "log." Then I added the moose track stamp with Chestnut Roan on either side, and behind the moose on my focal piece as well.

I tied on some ecru embroidery thread over the paper seam and popped off the kraft piece with pop dots. I added some googly eyes with Glossy Accents, since this will be going to Cards for Kids, with a sentiment written inside that reads, "Wishing you a day that's filled with adventure!" Rounded all four corners and was done. And distressed the whole thing all the way around with some Tea Dye Distress Ink.

I'll tell you about my new Cuttlebug tomorrow. The kids have their soccer awards ceremony tonight, and we have to leave in the next five minutes, so I'd better get this posted and get ready! Hope you all have a wonderful night!