
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Butterfly Love

Hey y'all, happy Wednesday!
We've made it halfway through the week!
How about a little card to lift your spirits?

This is one of the cards that I made for
the  Crafter's Companion booth at CHA.
If you were there, perhaps you saw it. :)
I saw it in photos, which is the next best thing.
Still so honored to have had some of my cards featured.

I used one of the images from the brand-new
I printed it out on patterned paper 
(the design team was working with digi images) 
and watercolored the butterflies with distress markers.
I felt like it needed a bright, dynamic pop of color, 
so I also colored one a rich red and popped that up.

I hope you like it!

And I hope the weekend comes quickly for ya!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy Mail for Grayson Card Drive

Hey girls! Today I am here with a very special card drive for a very special little boy.

Just before Thanksgiving, Danielle from Neat and Tangled, heard news that a girl she went to high school with and her family had embarked on an incredibly difficult journey. They had discovered that their sweet little 2 year old boy, Grayson, had a tumor on his brain stem. Since then they have been on a roller coaster ride, and this is only part of the journey.  Grayson will begin chemotherapy this month as the next stage of treatment. Through all of this, the family has stayed strong, hopeful, faithful and positive.  And Grayson is a strong and spunky fighter :) Grayson's mom, Jackie, has a blog she keeps updated regularly, so you can get to know more about Grayson HERE.

 Danielle wants to just light up Grayson's life with some serious happy mail!  She talked to Jackie, and she informed her that Grayson and his brother love to get mail...and so, here we have the Happy Mail for Grayson Card Drive. 

Grayson is super lucky to have a big brother, Aydan, who is 4 so make sure to send some awesome cards to him too! These boys love all things boy :) Rescue Bots, Geotracks, Angry Birds, Thomas the Train. Send these little men funny, happy, cards! We all know how much love goes into a handmade card, and even better how personalized they can be!"

Here is the important info:

The drive will run from January 21 - February 28
(If they arrive late because they are International that's okay too!)

Send them here:
Grayson Savery and/or Aydan Savery
c/o Danielle Walls
P.O. Box 5808
Wilmington, DE 19808

I encourage you all to make a card or even look through your current stash for cards that might be perfect to send to this little boy. Most of us have cards already made and laying around, and drives like this are a perfect time to dust them off, stick them in an envelope and send them out. After all, that's why we got into card making in the first place, wasn't it? To bless others with our creations and better the world by sending out love?

I found this cute card in my stash that would be perfect for Mr. Grayson.

I hope you'll consider making a card or sorting through your stash to find a card that would cheer this little guy up. Please contact Danielle with any questions or for more information.

Have a great Sunday, everybody!

Friday, January 25, 2013


Hey everyone!
I'm here this lovely Friday with a special treat!

That's right, Crafter's Companion USA
is this week's sponsor for one of the most well-known
and loved challenge blogs on the block:

The challenge this week is to use markers,
so I decided to try out my brand-new 
Spectrum Noir Alcohol Pens for the very first time!

And if you win, you'll get the chance to try them yourself.
Because the prize is two full marker packs! That's 12 markers!

See what they can do?

I used two images from two super adorable 
Aren't they just as sweet as can be?

I confess that CAS is the most challenging style
for me -- I just want to keep adding things! ;)
But this time I tried to keep the card as minimalistic
as possible and let this sweet little scene shine.

I hope you like it!

Please check out the rest of the amazing

And head over to the
and bust out your markers to play along!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Elephant Hugs

Did you all enjoy the snowy Monday yesterday?
I hope that if you had the day off, you found
a little time to get crafty! :)

I did.
In fact, I think I did the craziest crafty thing
I have ever attempted in my life.
That's right, I participated in the 10 Minute Craft Dash

That Paulina is one crazy chick, I'll tell ya!
And of course I mean crazy in the sweetest,
quirkiest, most super-fun way. ;)
I mean, you'd have to be crazy to invent a challenge
where you have to complete a card in less than 
10 minutes, right?
That's what I thought!

But then, I'm sort of a crazy chick myself.
And of course, I mean crazy in the sweetest,
quirkiest, most super-fun way.

Could this girl, who normally takes an hour or two
to finish ONE CARD, seriously complete one 
in under 10 minutes?

Here's the card I made:

As for whether or not I got it done in time,
well, all I can say is, watch and find out. ;)

By the way, I will also be sending out this card
to my friend Winter Sims, who is hosting the
Cards For the Heart Drive for the kids at St. Jude's.

AFTER I remove that button -- choking hazard! 
I forgot.
Please head over to her blog and check out the details
to participate in this very worthy cause.
And get your kids involved!

Also linking up over at the amazing

Simon Says Stamp

And if you participate in the 10 Minute Craft Dash,
let me know! 
I'd love to see what you made!

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Lawnscaping Challenge #50

Hello, hello!

We are being sponsored this round by the 
wonderful Lawn Fawn, who has generously
donated a free stamp set of the winner's choice!

Here's my card:

I wanted to give myself a personal challenge to make 
a wintry scene without using any actual winter stamps.
This is actually how it looks here in Northwestern PA
right now -- snow on the ground, but not actually snowing.

I used two Lawn Fawn stamp sets on this card,
as well as the Authentique Fresh 6x6 pad.

I hope you like it!

Please stop by the Lawnscaping Challenge blog
to check out the other amazing DT projects
and find out how to play along.
We'd love to have you!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Have a great day!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Crafter's Companion Haul

Hey girls! 
Today I thought I'd share with you
some of the goodies that I got in my
Crafter's Companion design team welcome kit,
as well as some additional items I purchased myself.

I hope you enjoy!

Click on the YouTube button at the bottom right
to watch it over there in HD.
And while you're there, feel free to subscribe
to my channel so you'll get lots more crafty videos!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sketchy Dragonfly

Hi everyone!
Are you ready for the weekend? 
I know I am. I've got plans. Crafty plans. ;)

It's crazy, I've never taken on more projects,
never been so busy as I am right now,
and yet I am so, so happy!

I guess the busyness just doesn't seem
so stressful when you're doing something you love.

I tried painting pottery this week --
I'll do a post on that soon with pics. :)
And I signed up for five weeks of free
drawing lessons at my local library,
starting next Monday.

I'm just filling my schedule to the brim,
but I'm going to bed content every night, 
and that's what's important, right?

But speaking of being busy, 
today I wanted to share with you another card
I made for CHA with one of the new stamp sets

I used several images from Set 65.
I really liked the sketchiness of the dragonfly
so I put him on a sheet of notebook paper
and tried to make the card look as if it were
a page from some scientific smash book.

I hope you like it!

Thanks so much for dropping in! 
Leave me a comment,
and I'll be happy to pop over and return the favor!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Crafter's Companion - New Releases and Excitement!

Happy Monday, everybody!
How are you today?
Personally, I'm great! ;)
I've had a bit of an exciting weekend.

I'm sure that most of you are aware that the big
Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) show is 
going on right now in Anaheim, CA.
It's the biggest craft show in the world,
where all vendors come together and showcase
their wares and upcoming releases.

Well, Crafter's Companion is there as well,
and myself and the other girls on the design team
were given the privilege of working with the 
creating cards to be displayed in their booth.

I can't tell you how exciting it was to see the photos
being posted on Facebook, and to recognize OUR CARDS!
We girls were just going crazy! What an honor!

Well, the Brittish Television show Craft And Create
was also at CHA filming various companies and their product
and we were given the heads up that Crafter's Companion
would be on and that we could watch it LIVE on the
Craft And Create TV's website.

I tuned in to see two of my cards being showcased on TV!!!
The other girls were featured as well, and oh, what a delight!
My husband made the joke that maybe the Queen 
was watching and would send us an invite to visit. ;)
Not likely, but it WAS terribly exciting.

One of my cards that was seen was this little miss
from the Set 24, and the other was this one
featuring the hydrangea stamp from set Set 71:

I paper-pieced it with two different shades of 
purple patterned paper and popped the 
lighter blooms up with dimensionals.
I watercolored directly on top of the patterned paper
with my Tim Holtz Distress Markers
to add some shading and a more realistic look.

I hope you like it!

If you go to the Crafter's Companion store and
click on the individual Stamp-It Australia "Imagine" sets
you can see our cards in the samples. :)

Go check them out if you have time
and let me know what you think.

Have a great day!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Crafter's Companion January Challenge

Hello there, everybody!
I'm here with a project for 
The challenge runs all month long,
and the winner receives a $30 gift certificate
So be sure to hop on over there and check that out!

Here's my project:

I decided to decorate a kraft gift bag 
 embellishing it with a paper doily,
Distress Markers, tickets, wood veneers,
and other odds and ends including 
personalized and homemade look.

A close up:

AND ...
I filmed a video tutorial
where I walk you through just how easy it is
to take a plain gift bag, and make it into
something that showcases your crafty style,
rather than purchasing a common gift bag from the store.
So much prettier, and much more cost-effective, too!

I hope you enjoy it!

Click on the YouTube icon on the lower right
to watch there in HD.
And while you're at it, why not subscribe? ;)

Thanks for popping in!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Cupcake Celebration

Hey, ladies!

Today is my mom's birthday,
so I thought I'd share the card I made for her.

This card was definitely inspired by a brand-new, 
exciting challenge called Pinspired!
Aptly named, it garners its inspiration from Pinterest.
This is their very first challenge,
and I'm so excited to play along!

The sponsor is The Alley Way stamps.
I've never tried them out, but I'd sure love the chance to!

I also based my card layout off of
Isn't it a cute one?

Love that.
I'll definitely have to file that one away
for future use.

Also, don't forget that Lawnscaping
is having our first challenge of the year right now,
which is also our birthday challenge! We're 2!
Hop on over and wish us happy birthday
and play along!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Thanks for popping by.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Coffee, Tea, or Me?

Hey everybody!
Boy have I got a treat for you today!
Today I get to reveal that Crafter's Companion
is releasing FIFTEEN new stamp sets at CHA this week!
These fifteen sets are cling mounted stamps
from the "Imagine Collection"of Stamp-It Australia.

The design team had about a week to play
with the images in digi format and create 
as many cards as we desired or were able 
to be showcased in the Crafter's Companion booth.

I was able to get six cards made
and I carefully packaged them up between layers
of tissue paper and washi and sent them out
with my blessing through the USPS this morning. 
So excited that some of my work will be seen there!
Wish I could have hand-delivered them personally,
but this is the next best thing. :)

Today I'll share my first:

The "Imagine Collection" for Stamp-It Australia
is full of beautiful images -- butterflies, dragonflies, wildlife,
but if you know me, you know that I gravitate toward 
the cute, the sweet, and the whimsical.

So even though it was an absolute delight
to get to work with ALL the new releases,
when I saw this cute little girl here, I was just itching 
to create a card with her.

I did a LOT of paper piecing with her.
Her hair, the bundle on her back, her kimono,
all the trim and her hair clip...
and then did a lot of watercoloring right over top
with Tim Holtz Distress Markers, scribbled on 
an acrylic block and picked up with a water brush.

I added some papers from the Miss Caroline collection
from My Mind's Eye, and die cut a doily from MFT,
which I chopped up and used various pieces of.

The little bunch of flowers beside the sentiment
are from another image in the same stamp set.

I hope you like her!
And I hope you'll come back soon for 
more sneak peaks of the new sets.

Thanks for popping by. :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lawnscaping Challenge #49

Hello everyone! 
Not only is this the start of a brand-new challenge year,
it's also our birthday! Yay!
Lawnscaping is turning 2. :)

I'm so happy to have been a part of this
awesome team of ladies from the very start,
and I hope that I'll get to continue with them
until the very end -- which I pray will be NEVER!
I absolutely love being a part of this fantastic team.

We are being sponsored so generously
by the incredible Simon Says Stamp.
Thanks, Simon!

Simon Says Stamp

And here's my card:

I used Lawn Fawn's Quinn's ABCs
and Critters In The Burbs, along with paper
from the Dewey Decimal petite pack.
And I added some washi from Freckled Fawn.

I hope you like it!

Please stop by the Lawnscaping Challenge Blog
to see the other AMAZING design team projects --
they really out did themselves this round. WOW!

While your there, check out the deets on how to play along! 
We'd love to have you!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year and An Exciting Announcement!

Happy New Year, everybody!
Are you feeling a little like this today?

I hope you were surrounded by loved 
ones as you rang in the New Year. 
My wish for all of you is that 2013
brings lots of exciting, good things into your lives.

Speaking of exciting, good things ...

Remember this card that I posted recently?

The image was an adorable Mulberry Wood image
made by a company called Crafter's Companion.
I entered it in their monthly challenge.

And then, surprise, surprise!
A few days later I had an email in my inbox
from Taylor, the leader of the US Design Team,
(Crafter's Companion began and is huge in the UK)
saying that she loved my work and would
I like to join the Design Team for a six-month term
beginning on January 1st?

Would I?
I admit, I took about three days to think about it,
because even though it's an amazing opportunity,
it's also a big commitment -- six projects a month!
But in the end, how could I say no?

So you're now looking at the newest member 
of the Crafter's Companion Design Team!
The card up top is my official first project,
using the Party Animal image from the 
sweet line of stamps called Strawberry Kisses.

I hope you'll come check out their blog,
play along in our challenges,
and pick up some of their adorable stamps 
Not to mention, look forward to all the fun,
crafty projects that I'll be featuring here on my blog!

Thanks so much for all your love and support!

Wishing you all a very crafty, blessed 2013!