
Friday, January 8, 2010

Arctic Waters

Happy Friday, everybody! Aren't you glad it's the weekend? More time to sleep, more time to craft...

I'm especially excited for tomorrow because it's not just any Saturday -- it's the 2nd Saturday of the month. For me that means it's a writers group weekend! I belong to a wonderful organization called Pennwriters, Inc. and our branch meets the second and fourth Saturdays of every month at a local bookstore. I love, love, love my writers group! I cannot tell you how much those people inspire me. Such talent! If any of you out there are aspiring writers, I highly recommend that you find yourself a local writers group and join their ranks. I know I've grown leaps and bounds in the year and a half since I found mine.

But anyway, on to todays craft. I was in a jewelry making mood today, especially since I'm about to send out a package to my loved ones in Germany. For those of you who don't know me, my husband is German, and though we met here in the States, we were married in Germany and lived there for several years. All three of our children were actually born there. So we're a bilingual family, which brings on both blessings and challenges. I'll tell you one thing, it sure comes in handy when you're out and about in public (say, buying a new car, for example) and you don't want anyone else to be privy to your conversation!

I have a tendency to ramble, in case you haven't noticed. Back to the craft! I made this pair of earrings today as a gift for my sister-in-law Tina. She's the head nurse on the geriactric floor of a large hospital in Germany (and she's only 28 -- so accomplished!) and she can only wear studs or very small dangly earrings to work. So they're quite simple, but I just thought the color combination was stunning.

I don't know if you can tell, but there's actually a pearlized wash over the light blue glass beads. It makes a pretty diamond pattern in shades of pink, lavender, and green, but I don't think it came out as well in the photos. I name all my pieces, so I decided to call these Arctic Waters, because they remind me of the deep turquoise of the Arctic Ocean and the blue-tinged snow you see on all the lovely polar bear videos. At least, that was my thinking. ;o)

Maybe you can see it a little better here? Anyway, I used Bead Gallery glass beads and Crystazzi crystals, as well as silver plated findings. I usually prefer to use Swarovski crystals, but I was low on cash, these were cheaper, and held next to each other you really couldn't tell the difference. I think they'll do this time around. All supplies came from Michaels.
If you've made anything new this week, please post it on your blog and then paste the link in your comments. I'd love to check them out!
Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. As you can see, I'm still have spacing problems on the last portion of my dialogue... Not sure what that's about. I didn't do anything differently. I went back a couple times again and tried to edit to fix, to no avail. :o( If there's a trick to it that anyone knows, please pass it along!

  2. Such pretty colors and details. I'm sure she will love these. I really like the name, too.

    I made a journal this week, but haven't photographed it yet. Perhaps I should do that for today's entry. Thanks for all the inspiration, and have a wonderful time at your writer's group tomorrow.

  3. I'm stopping by to tell you that I appreciate your dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. I like your blog background, I once had the same background on my blog.=)


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!