
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Short Story Submission

Today I spent the afternoon editing that short story I wrote for the Writer's Digest Your Story #24 contest. The night before I got sick, the story stood at 871 words, and I needed to get down to 750 to qualify. I had planned to spend my friday morning at Tim Horton's editing, but by the time the sun rose that day, I was sicker than a dog. The editing got set aside.

Since the contest ends tomorrow, there was no more putting it off. I got my butt in a chair and stayed there until I got it done. I had a bit of a stall at 760 words... it's so hard to cut an already short piece without losing key elements of character development, but I think I finally pulled off a decent manuscript.

After about 2 1/2 hours of reworking and rewording, switching around and swapping, I had exactly 750 words. It was time to say enough is enough and send it off to the good people at Writer's Digest. With a little luck, I'll be hearing from them in the next couple weeks! ;o) The editors will choose the top five stories, which will be posted online for people to vote on. The number one vote-getter will be published in a future issue of Writer's Digest magazine.

I can't wait to see how I do!

1 comment:

Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!