
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blender Pen Vs. Copic Marker Comparison

Whew! Today was a little less like a vacation day, since I spent the majority of it cleaning and organizing and dusting (ah-choo!) but it was nice to actually have the time to do that for a change. I got quite a bit done and plan on doing a little more tomorrow.

I decided to call it quits for the day and do some crafting, when my hubby called and said he was on his way home. We'd already made plans to go grocery shopping right after work, so I knew I didn't have time to do much.

This adorable little bunny image from Inkadinkado was calling to me, so I decided to do a blender pen vs. copic marker comparison and see which one I liked better. I stamped him once in StazOn black ink for the blender pen, then a second time in Memento ink for the copics.

In the past, I've always used the smooth side of watercolor paper for my blender pen, but unfortunately today I forgot and just used my regular Georgia Pacific basic white cardstock. You can see that it did not work well. The paper started pilling up almost immediately and the color would just not blend smoothly. I will definitely go back to my watercolor paper in the future. And I think I'm going to need a new blender pen as well. The nib is all yucky now. Good thing they're cheap!

The copics went much better, though it was sometimes difficult getting in the small spaces around his ears and such. There's a technique to just using the very tippy-tip that I still haven't quite mastered. Also, since I was in a hurry, I wasn't as careful as I usually am and I slopped out on the edges some. I really need some lighter shades of Copics, especially the brown. But I made do with what I have for now.

After that I had to rush out the door, as our plan was to utilize the wonderful child-care facility that closes at 7PM -- it's almost like you're on a date! To the grocery store. They do have a nice cafe there that we sometimes have dinner at (we feed the kids beforehand, of course) but we didn't have time for that today. LOST is on tonight! That's my favorite, favorite show. I've never missed an episode.

After we got home I cleaned him up a bit, drew in some grass (copics first, pilot pen after, otherwise it would smear and ruin my marker nibs) and filled in the sky. I managed to pick out some papers and snap a pic with the last of the good daylight, but I'll have to save the actual card making for tomorrow.

AND -- I'll get to try out my new Martha Stewart scoring board! Yay! I cannot draw a straight line to save my life, let alone score one. My hubby (knowing that it's been on the top of my wish list) surprised me by telling me to pull into A.C. Moore on the way home from the grocery store tonight, and he ran in and bought it for me (with me in the car with the kids on the cell phone, guiding him to the right place!). He even used a coupon and got it half price! Gotta love a man who can bargain shop! ;o)

Have a great night everybody!


  1. what a man! I have one of those too and love those surprises. Your bunny is very cute, love the grass and sky you added.

  2. What a difference you can see just with using materials a different way (the paper), and using different pens. It's a really cute bunny, and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished card!

  3. wow what a difference! I love it! Thanks for sharing because a lot of people wonder!

  4. Great comparisons! Very informative and super cute image.

  5. The paper makes such a difference! thanks for sharing

  6. Cool posting. I love the bunny colored with Copics, he just looks so much crisper. :)


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!