
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Rose Is A Rose

Happy Tuesday, everyone. How's your week been so far? I've been feeling under the weather the last few days, and fighting it tooth and nail with vitamins and Airbourne. Hopefully it doesn't evolve into a full-blown cold or flu or whatever it is that's on the attack.

I've been playing around with Ranger distress inks and a mini mister yesterday and today, but I've discovered that it really takes a delicate hand that I haven't quite mastered. Either I get not enough bleeding, or bleeding all over the place that ruins my image. Maybe tomorrow I'll upload the photos and show you what I mean, but I'm too tired tonight, and considering my current not-quite-well state, I thought I'd take a book and head to bed early.

Instead, I'll share with you a photo already on my computer. I mentioned before that I'm a novice photographer, and one of my favorite subjects is flowers. This is a picture I snapped about six years ago (wow, has it really been that long?), of a birthday bouquet for my husband's aunt in Germany. We were living there at the time.



  1. Ooooh that is stunning Christy! I have some rose photos I took last summer....where my kids go to school there is this lady who grows prize roses. Seriously....she has little markers in front of them and everything stating what awrds they have won statewise. I'll have to share a few of them with you some time since we are both wanna be photographers :)


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!