
Monday, June 28, 2010

Cards for Grace

Last week, a beautiful, bright-eyed, brave little girl named Ellie lost her battle against cancer. I heard about Ellie over at Jennifer McGuire's blog, and then learned more about her on her mother's blog. To quote her, "Ellie had a way with people on earth and now in heaven. Ellie made everyone feel loved and special by just being near her... and hanging." Sounds like she was one very special little girl, and I can't imagine the heartache that her family must be going through. I imagine it must be especially difficult for Ellie's sister Grace. You see, Ellie and Grace were more than just sisters. They were twins.

Jennifer is graciously hosting one of her Cards for Kids drives, this one directed at Grace. All I can think is that this little girl needs to be surrounded by love right now. Unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do to fill that emptiness she must feel -- we can't bring Ellie back. But we can let Grace know that she is loved and cared for by people all over the globe. Strangers, yes, but also sisters and daughters and mothers who know how to pull together and offer tenderness and compassion when one of our own is hurting. Will you join with me in lavishing some love on Grace? Please visit Jennifer McGuire's blog for more information. The link is on my sidebar.

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