
Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Still Do Blog Candy Giveaway

Hey there, Girlies!
How are you all tonight?
How about something that might
 make it even better?

Say, maybe some Blog Candy?

In honor of my husband's and my
10th wedding anniversary
later this month, I thought I'd
pass along some of my happiness
in the form of some wedding-themed
blog candy.

Here's what's up for grabs:
1 wedding stamp set by Doodlebug Designs
1 love stamp set by Art Warehouse
1 set of glittery prima roses
1 pack of Mrs. Grossman's laser cut stickers
(these would be fun to use as a mask)
1 pack of varigated adhesive-backed pearls
and 2 yards of Offray lace

Because this is a reader-appreciation giveaway,
you MUST be a follower of this blog
to enter this giveaway.
You MAY become a follower
to enter, but please do so only if you enjoy
yourself here and would like to stick around.
(I am a pretty fun person,
if I do say so myself!) ;o)

So here's how you can enter:
1. be a follower of this blog
2. pass the word. Copy the candy pic
and post it on your own blog
with a link back here.
Sidebar is fine.
3. leave me a comment telling
me something you still love about
your husband/boyfriend/
significant other/best friend/

Share the love, people. :o)

And that's it!
Please leave one separate comment
for each step you've done.
That means if you've done all three,
you've left me three comments,
and therefore have three chances to win.

Good luck!
Contest ends at 11:59 PM
October 31st, 2010.

(This post will remain on top
until the contest is closed.
Please scroll down for new posts.)


  1. Hello Mrs. Reuling... I, of course, am a follower of your blog. Congratulations on 10 years of marriage... How fast it has passed!

  2. I also posted to the sidebar of my blog :)

  3. And finally, the things I love most about my husband is how he takes care of me when I am sick (which I am appreciating this week very much!), how adorable he looks in the morning when he just woke up or at night right before bed when he's half asleep, how I can see so clearly how much he loves me just by looking into his eyes.... and so much more!!!

  4. Even though I visit often I haven't added myself as a follower until today...I have NO idea why that was. Geuss it would be too easy, haha! I love your blog! :) Happy (almost) Anniversary!

  5. Hi. I am a follower of yours now... :) I have just recently started blogging myself to motivate me .

  6. Oh.. and I'm quite proud of myself I finally figured out how to post your candy and link it back here! yay! I'm learning so much ...

  7. And .. what I still love about Mr. Me.. is that despite 5 kids and all our time together.. he's still the same guy I met. He never changes.. good and bad.. but at least I know what's coming hahah!

  8. I have been married to my husband Aaron for 8 years and everyone gets better and better. He helps me and cheers me on with my stamp business ( He is amazing!

    Jessica Lynn

  9. ok, I've just become a "follower" of your blog ;). Great giveaway! I'm just starting to scrap some of my wedding & pre-children days with my hubby, so it'd be a great one to win!!! I've made 1 - count em 1 - layout for that book so far, used Studio Calico's on the easel kit - here is the link if you wanna peek :):

  10. Following... (love your its my pleasure to follow)

  11. I was widowed at the age of 44..and my fiance..gary...has brought a completeness to our lives...
    he joined my daughter and I....she was then 8 yrs old...and accepted us...our lives..and all that went along with a pkg deal...without a moments hesitation...and gave us the gift of "family"...something we had missed..and felt lost without...when my husband passed away..
    to sum it up..what i love about simply...what he has "given" a family...

  12. posting a link to my sidebar now..where "candy" is listed. :)

  13. I am a follower of your lovely blog now!

  14. Congratulations on 10 years!
    My husband of 9 years (together for 17)is such a good father and still amazes me with his strength.

  15. Congrats on 10 years!

    My honey and I have been together for almost 13 years. I still love the playfulness and humor the most! ... and her smile. It's what got my attention in the first place. :D

  16. Sorry I haven't been around. :(

    10 years, wow! It will be 5 for my hubby and I in February. I love when he randomly holds my hand. Makes me feel special. :)

  17. I am now a follower of your blog!!! Yeah!!! I have been married to the love of my life for the last 15 years and words cannot express how much I fall in love with him even more everyday. Sure, we have had some bad and scary times, but God's blessings have made our marriage even stronger!!! I am so looking forward to the next 15 and the next 15 after that!!!

  18. Well, I now follow. I love finding new blogs and different ideas! Thanks for the chance at this candy!

  19. I posted this pic on my sidebar with a link. Appreciate you hosting some blog candy too. Congrats on the upcoming anniversary!

  20. Finally #3, after 37 years of marriage to him - I still find my hubby is special and we are going to finally be grandparents in January - something new for us!!

  21. Congratulations on celebrating ten years!I was widowed suddenly at the age of forty after twenty-one years of marriage. My now hubby and I will celebrate ten years in June. I love his smile and sense of humor. We still love to laugh and enjoy life together.

  22. Wow, 10 years of marriage that is great! What I love best about my Hubby is that he is my very best friend and supports everything that I do. Thank you for offering the sweet candy! I am already a follower, and I have posted a pic/link of your candy on my blog!

  23. Congrats on your 10 years, we are at half that, we will be celebrating our 5th in December. I still love that my hubby always encourages me--and really listens to me, especially when it comes to my crafting. So much that he was at a friend's house the other day and the other guy's wife was showing off a project she had made and he complimented her use of vellum. He said there was dead silence-they were all shocked he even knew what vellum was!

  24. My heart had been broken twice then...a that I will never forget nor will it ever go away. We have been through alot togather and our strong will to survive has always been that Love for each other. We are thankful for each others values each and every day. Tootsie, The Runds

  25. I put you on my side bar of Candy...

  26. Following throughout the new year...

  27. Congrats on your win at Paper, Ink, Color :)


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!