
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Storage Solutions: Finished Cards

Just a super-quick post tonight.
I don't know if you're like me --
always in search of a better way to organize your craft space
to make room for new goodies. ;o)

I was recently asked about how I store my finished cards,
so I thought I'd share a photo.

This is the bookcase in my office.
On the middle shelf there, I have three CD boxes.
I picked them up at Walmart for $6 each.
They're from Mainstays, I believe,
and they come in a couple colors.
I picked them up one at a time,
so the cost wasn't much all at once.

They're the perfect size for cards.
I store folded cardstock in one
(Since a sheet of cardstock makes two cards,
I always fold the second one and save it for later use.),
envelopes in another,
and finished cards in the third.

Just one is enough for the finished cards I have right now.
I try to force myself to actually send them out,
rather than hoard them as I'd like to.
I keep reminding myself that the reason I make cards
is to brighten other people's day.

There's no day-brightening going on
if I keep them all to myself. ;o)
I like to look at pretty things.
That's why the top shelf (not shown)
is dedicated to showcasing my most recent projects.
That way I can look at them for a week or so
before sending them out
or relagating them to the box for later use.

Anyway, I hope that tip helped!


  1. I am thinking that I had two problems, well actually 3 - I was storing my envelopes with my cards, I was trying to put to many in one box, and the adhesive I used for a few was not strong enough. Thanks for the pics! I will have to look the boxes up the next time I am in Walmart - P.s. I know there is no Ikea near you, but if you look online they have a lot of cheap small storage solutions as well for the office!

  2. TFS this is a great idea, I just have mine in plastic, not very pretty. Have a great weekend.

  3. I LOVE Ikea. We used to go there when we lived in Germany. But you're right, there's none even close to here. In fact, I've never been to one Stateside.

    Is there one near you?

  4. I love the way you store your cards. Maybe if I had mine out I would actually send more of them. Ha! That seems to be a problem with us cardmakers :) Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I'm so glad that you got some info out of it! Yes, the trial is free (for 30 days), and after the trial is over, you can simply enter in the registration code of the one you buy and everything is already all installed. Since you can get it for the student discount, I say go for it! It's well worth it. If you have any questions or would like to see how my workflow goes, let me know. I could make a tutorial if it would help. :)

    You're so sweet! Have a good day. :)

  5. Hi Christy! thanks for your kind comment today :) i use uniball Signo broad for my accents. Love your work! subscribing & off to check out your cards..

  6. This is an awesome idea Christy! Thanks so much for sharing. I've been wanting to find another way of storing my cards so thanks for this! :)

  7. I love it.. and to "hide" them in those really stylish $6 containers.. LOVE IT!!

    Thank you for sharing!
    Jessica Lynn


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!