
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In the Spotlight

Hey everybody!
So sorry I've been MIA lately.
I've got this whole nasty broncial thing going on,
plus I've been picking up a bunch of extra hours at work.
In other words, I'm completely exhausted, sick,
and drained of every possible smidgen of creativity.

Luckily, I have the day off tomorrow,
so I'm hoping to just rest and recouperate in the
morning, and then maybe test the crafty waters
in the early afternoon, before I head out to pick up
the boys from school.

In the meantime, I've been making the rounds
of all the blogs I follow, and I've found some
wonderful inspiration that I'd love to share with you.
Take a look at this handiwork:

As a writer, I love all things writing-related,
especially vintage typewriters. So this adorable
card from Jen Cuthbertson at I'm Crafty Blog grabs
right ahold of my heart strings and tugs hard!

How about this little cutie from the adorable
Ruby 2 Shoes. She brilliantly combined
the Lawn Fawn pup with Basic Grey's
Max & Whiskers paper. Such a fun blog.
Check her out if you get a chance!

Love what you're seeing so far? Me too.
How about this adorably sweet baby bloom card
from Krista at  Crafty Little Pigtails.
Love that blurred coloring around the image!
Such a great effect.

Wanna see more?
How about some Christmas cards.
It's just six weeks away, you know!
Ack! I haven't even started mine yet.

Well if you're still floundering around for some
holiday inspiration, take a gander at this piece
of lovliness, featuring Lili of the Valley stamps,
by Niki Estes of My Paper Creations.

And last, but definitely not least,
can you imagine anything more fun than this
card by Kadie at In My Mind's Eye?
So pretty and sweet. Love it.

I hope you'll bookmark all of these
fabulously talented ladies blogs and visit them
in the near future.

As for me, I'm about to hack up a lung.
Better run.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Be back soon with a card or two.


  1. Hey Christy! Thanks for your sweet comments! I'm feeling heaps better now but I do hope you feel better soon :) Can't wait to see more of your wonderful cards! :)

  2. Christy, thanks for your wonderful comments and I sure hope you feel better soon! Something must be going around because I'm recovering, too!! Here's to lots of crafty mojo for all of us very soon!!

  3. Ah thank you for sharing my card, that's so sweet of you!! Of course I don't mind, I'm honoured! I love the other inspirational ones too! Hope you get lots of rest and feel better soon! :)

  4. Great cards you have shared, hope you feel better and get some rest.

  5. Hope you're feeling better very soon!! Love that card you made & thanks so much for sharing the other girls' work!!! I've gotta go leave some adoring comments elsewhere now ;).

  6. Hope you'll feel better soon!!! It's a no fun to be sick on a holiday... :(

    These gals' cards are fabulous. Thanks for posting them here. They got my mojo going!

  7. Feel better soon! I just got over that mess and it is NOT fun! Hope you are back feeling your creative mojo again really soon. Thanks for the great inspiration on your post. Think I found some new blogs to visit... :)

  8. I love Niki's blog. I'll have to check out the others. Some gorgeous work! Hope you are feeling better and working less. :)


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!