
Monday, January 10, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Happy Monday, all!
Have you recovered from the weekend yet?
Lookie what the lovely Lynette over at
Netters Notables gave me today!

Lynette is someone whose work I have long admired.
She's an amazingly talented artist
with such a fresh and fun style
and I feel so deeply honored and humbled
that she would think of me.
I also have the rare priveledge of serving with
Lynette on Lawnscaping, the new Lawn Fawn challenge blog.

So on to the award!
This one is super fun, because it gives you a chance to
learn more about your blogging buddies in
ways we don't always connect just through crafting.
There are just three rules on accepting:

1. Link and thank the person who gave it to you
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pass it along to 8 fellow bloggers

So, here are 8 things you may or may not
know about me:

1. We are a multi-national, bi-lingual family.
My darling husband is German, and our three boys
were born there and have dual citizenship.

2. My husband and I spent a year as missionaries
to Cameroon, West Africa where we ran a primitive
jungle health center from 2001-2002.

3. My other great passion is writing.
It's been my dream since I was a child
to become a published novelist.

4. I love seafood.
Crab, shrimp, scallops...
I'd eat them every day if I could.

5. I also love cheesecake,
and I've spent years perfecting my
various cheesecake recipes.
I'm getting close!

6. As much as a dearly love my three boys
there will always be an empty place in my heart
for the daughter I longed for and never had.

7. My husband's nickname for me is
Sunshine. :o)

8. I can recite the alphabet backwards
in 5 seconds flat.

Okay, so in absolutely no particular order,
these are the 8 fabulous bloggers
I'm passing this award on to.

I discovered the adorable Brit
when she had the hop before mine
on the Lawn Fawn Hearts Cards For Kids
Blog Hop. Since then I've been an avid
follower -- the girl's got skills!
And now I'm thrilled to be on the same
design team with her at Lawnscaping.

One of the sweetest bloggers out there.
She's like a little beam of happiness.
Plus she's seriously talented.
I love her bright and cheerful style.

I adore her name, and I adore her.
Simone is such a versatile card artist.
I always take away inspiration from her blog.
She truly can do it all!

If you're looking for cards that
are loads of fun and just a little bit funky,
Ayana's your girl.
She rocks bright colors like no one else.

I love to visit Hannah's blog
to get my fix on some serious eye candy.
Love her happy creations!
Check out all the new Hero Arts
goodness she used on her latest card.

You probably recognize her work
from her many publications in all the great
papercrafting magazines -- and for good reason!
Her designs are so happy and lighthearted!
I swoon.

This girl should get an award just for
having the cutest blog name on the planet!
But she gets one for being an awesomely
talented card artist as well.

Ashley is my cousin and she's
been papercrafting for a little less
than a year now. She's doing so well!
I'm really proud of her.
Love you, Ash!

Okay, well that's it for me tonight.
I hope you all have a wonderful day
tomorrow. I'm going to try to get into my
craft room and try my hand at
 Tiffany's first  Sketchy Sundays sketch.
It's a good one!

G'night all!


  1. Hey girlie ~

    Congrats on the fabby award! I enjoyed reading your tidbits... hmm....we have lots of things in common except I LOVE eating cheesecake not making them! hahah...won't even attempt to. :o) Thank you for sharing it with me and the sweet comment. I'm so glad we're blog buddies! Happy New Year....wishing you a wonderful, crafty 2011!! xoxo...Yuki

  2. Heyyy "Sunshine"! :)
    Thanks so much for tagging me, and for writing such sweet words! I totally loved reading about you and getting to know you better!
    Number 2 is sooo amazing! I am dying to go to Africa one day. I think that is so cool. Oh, and I completely agree with your Number 4. I LOVE ALL types of seafood and I could definitely eat it every day too, if I had the chance to.
    Oh, and umm... Number 8... Very Impressive!
    I just tried to say the alphabet backwards and umm, yeah... let's just say I got stuck at "x"... LoL... Pretty pathetic! haha....

  3. Congrats and well deserved your projects are always so wonderful to see.

  4. Congrats and thank you for thinking of me :)

  5. Hello Sunshine!! Aww wow you are sooo sweet! I absolutely adore you and your cards as well! They are all so fun and inspiring! I'm so glad we are blog friends and its nice to get to hear some tidbits about you! I would love to go to Africa sometime - that sounds awesome and i soooo love seafood as well! :)

  6. Big hugs and lots of thanks for passing this award on to me, Christiana!! :o) You've always been so super-kind, and I'm glad to have 'met' you through our blogs -- I loved learning more about you in your post! I swoon over your work, too!! :o)

  7. Ah thank you SO much for thinking of me. I've just recently received this award, so feel absolutely honoured that someone else thought to award it to me too!!! Thank you SO much! I will see if I can get a blog post up on it over the next few days. You're a sweetie. Aside from that though I loved learning about you, and your cards are BEAUTIFUL! x


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!