
Friday, February 11, 2011

Keep the Sun in Your Heart plus Happy Mail!

Happy Friday, everybody!
How are you all today?
Today is my day off, so I had a whole bunch of
stuff planned, but life got in the way.
The school nurse called around 9:30 and told me
that Elliott was sick and needed picked up.
Oh well.
So now he's resting on the couch next to me,
watching Fireman Sam while I update my blog.

So, last week I tried to make a card with sunrays, but somehow
I didn't cut it right, and ended up with a pile of irregular
triangle shaped pieces from two of my favorite yellow prints
from the October Afternoon Thrift Shop collection.
The worst part was, when the first one didn't work out,
I attemped it a second time, and wound up with another
pile of scraps -- too small for much of anything.
I nearly cried, I was so upset about the wasted paper.

I almost had to laugh.
I could only use a small punch on all those "rays"
so I used my 3/4" circle punch.
Sorting through my scrap bin, I also found
a brown circle left over from my Lawnscaping Challenge #2
design team sample (the hole I cut out for the front),
a small strip of floral print and
 a partial sheet of blue left over from my
And a strip of black polkadot paper from my
Here's the card that resulted:

And speaking of scraps, I want to try something new.
I'm one of those people who can't stand to throw away scraps
but my scrap bin is getting too full to make it easy to sort through.
 While thinking up a solution, I remembered that old saying,
 "one man's trash is another man's treasure"
And thought that maybe this could be a way for me to give back
in some small way to all my wonderful blog readers.
So I'm introducing "Happy Mail" to my blog.
Every so often, I'll sort through my scrap bin and make up
a little packet of scraps -- enough for a card or two
and send them out to one commenter.

For example, here's today's Happy Mail:

It includes a bunch of random-sized scraps,
all from October Afternoon's Thrift Shop 8x8 pad.
Some are cut down to a standard sized card front,
some smaller, some punched with various punches,
and there's also two stamped images from Penny Black.

I have just one request:
If you sign up for the Happy Mail,
I'd love it if you would make a card using at least some
of these scraps, and then link back here to my blog,
to let other people know about Happy Mail.
Plus, I want to see your card!

If you'd like to be entered in today's Happy Mail
please leave a comment saying so and also 
a way to contact you for your mailing address.
I want to get this out quickly,
so only today's comments will be eligible.

Okay, well that's it from me today.
Have a great weekend!

cardstock: Bazzill kraft
paper: October Afternoon "Thrift Shop"
stamps: Lawn Fawn "Fly Free" and "Partly Cloudy"
ink: Tsukineko Momento in Tuxedo Black


  1. Ooo... such cute papers and images... Sounds like a fun idea :)

    Hope Elliott feels better :( I am working from home today not feeling well either... My boss gave me a stomach bug.

  2. Christy, I LOVE your idea of "Happy Mail"! What a cool way to inspire someone else's creativity! You rock, girl!!

    Your card is adorable! That little flower reminds me of a sunflower, too cute! Hope your little guy gets to feeling better soon! :(

  3. This card is so cute! I really like the mix of pattern paper and the sentiment is so sweet!

  4. "Happy Mail" is such a cute idea! Like you I have such a hard time throwing away scraps! I would love to be entered into the draw!

  5. oh my goodness what a cute card, and made of scraps too how wonderful! my scrap bin isn't nearly full of such great papers! This card is just beautiful and your happy mail idea is just great too!

  6. Wow hun, great scrap card - it's brilliant! Hope your little one is feeling perkier soon, there is only so much Fireman Sam a girl can take, lol! Happy Mail is such a fab idea, I'd love to enter the draw. Hugs, Sxx

  7. What a great idea - Happy Mail sounds SO fun. Enter me please, I'm up for it!
    Your card is fabulous, i love the patterns you mixed, and the birdie is oh so cute. Thanks for joining us at Wee Memories.

  8. This is an amazing idea! Please don't include me into the chance to win (I have the 8x8 & full size sheets of this line) but i'd LOVE to participate & by Monday I'll do a Happy mail & link to ya! Its such a great way to get rid of scraps & maybe get some you need too :D.

    I love this card by the way! So fun & great idea to use the punched circled that way... also I LOVE that bird! Haven't even tried mine yet. Super inspired!

  9. I absolutely love your card, Christiana -- so cute and happy! :o) And isn't it neat how, when one idea doesn't exactly go as planned, it kind of forces us to be more creative? It winds up being a good thing!
    And I love the name "Happy Mail" -- whenever I get my craft supply mail orders, I call 'em that or "a good mail day". :o) It wouldn't be fair for me to enter your draw because I already have this paper, but I think your idea is awesome!
    Hope Elliott will feel better soon!! :o)

  10. What a sweet card, love the DP, Happy Mail so fun.

  11. This is so adorable Christy! Thanks for playing along with us this week at Wee Memories :)

  12. Love your sweet card! The clors, the doilis background.. fabulous! Thank you for playing along us at Wee Memories! :)

  13. I think your card is just perfect! Great combination of scraps! And your idea for Happy Mail is awesome.

  14. Christy! Congrats on your win @ Wee Memories!! You totally rocked this card girl ;).

  15. Great layout! Love the colors and the sweet tag.


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!