
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ne Hao

Hello again!
I know I don't usually post on the weekends,
but I wanted to enter a couple of challenges that 
end in the next day or two,
so I hope you don't mind. :o)

The first is the Color Throwdown #139

Aren't those colors yummy?
It immediately reminded me of this gorgeous paper 
I had in my stash from My Little Shoebox.

I used Cosmo Cricket tiny type alphas
to spell out "Ni Hao" which (I hope) is the phonetic
spelling of the Mandarin word for "hello."

I just love this little scene.
Reminds me of the little girl from Memoirs of a Geisha.
It's so vibrant and beautiful that it really 
needs little extra embellishment.

Which makes it perfect for the second challenge,
Being nearly flat makes this card perfect for mailing.
I love this idea, because I really need to mail out more cards, 
rather than just decorating my bookshelves with them.

Okay, well, that's it for me tonight!
Make sure to check back Monday for another
Lawnscaping Challenge!
See you then!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Friends 4 Ever

Hi there, everybody?
Aren't you so glad it's the weekend?
Oh my gosh, I am!
I got up at 4AM this morning to watch the royal wedding.
Did you?
I'm a sucker for history-in-the-making events.
Plus, having lived for over five years in Europe
where the royals splash the covers of magazines
the way celebrities do here, I got familiar with them all
and it's fun to watch the big events in their lives.

Anyhoo, I wanted to stop in and post a card
I just finished a second ago for the
Wee Memories #53 challenge.
I'm scraping under the wire here,
seeing as it ends in about 7 hours!
But doesn't it sound fun?

And here's my card.

I used a super adorable Wee Stamps digi image
(Wee Stamps, Wee Memories, perfect, right?)
and a new pad of My Mind's Eye Lime Twist paper
that came in my Two Peas order yesterday.
Did you know they have free shipping
on orders over $30 until May 11th?
I love free shipping!

Tomorrow, my family and I are going to work in the yard
and put in a garden and some berry bushes.
I'm excited!
Hope your weekend goes well!
Talk to you later!

cardstock: Georgia Pacific
paper: My Minds Eye
stamp: Wee Stamps "Sweet Blossom", Lawn Fawn "Say Cheese, Too"
ink: Jenni Bowlin "Spice Tin"
ribbon: Pure Color
gems: Queen & Co.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Hello there! How are you all today? 
Recovering from the sugar shock of all that Easter candy?
Hee hee. I'm actually being pretty good.
Two mini packs of strawberry Nerds yesterday,
but nothing so far today.

But hey, don't knock the Nerds!
The sugar rush enabled me to power through
the workday weariness last night and make a card
for the latest Color Q Challenge #82.

These colors were just screaming froggies to me
so I had to go with that theme.

If you get a chance to play, hop on over there!

Okay, I'm off to catch up on a little blog reading.
See what you all have been up to!
Have a great night, everybody!

cardstock: Bazzill
paper: K&Company, My Mind's Eye, Basic Grey
ink: Ranger Distress Broken China
stamp: Lawn Fawn "Critters In The Burbs" (flower)
pearls: Queen & Co
twine: Divine Twine

Monday, April 25, 2011


Hello bloggers!
How are you this fine Monday?
Enjoying your last day of Easter vacation?
It's raining, so the boys and I are having a mellow day indoors.
I have to admit, it's kinda nice.

I did want to pop in and share a card I made

I underestimated this one!
I thought it'd be super easy until I discovered I had next to
nothing in navy, and no matching copics either.
With my supplies severely limited, this is what I came up with:

I'm not completely happy with it, but it's not a big deal,
because as it turns out, I missed the deadline anyway.
Oh, well. I guess that happens to us all sometimes.
We just have to keep pressing on, keep trying,
keep learning from our mistakes. Right?

Anyway, I hope you're having a great day
and that you all had a wonderful and blessed Easter!

We'll chat again soon, okay?

cardstock: Georgia Pacific
patterned paper: October Afternoon, My Mind's Eye
stamp: Lawn Fawn "Sophie's Sentiments"
ink: Jenni Bowlin "Spice Tin"
gems: Queen & Co

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Feeling Green Around The Gills?

So, Sunday evening at 6:00, I had the 
great pleasure of attending another Copic marker class 
with the amazing Tammy Hershberger.
She came to my local scrapbooking store last year
and I was able to take her Copic 101 class,
so I was really excited to hear that she was coming back
so I could take her Copic 102 class.

Tammy's got some mad coloring skillz,
which you can check out yourself at her blog: Stamp Happy.
One of the techniques Tammy shared with us
was this cool textured effect made by soaking a bit
of old washcloth with Copic blender solution
and touching it briefly to your colored image.
You can see it on the fish I colored below.

Tammy brought along this adorable image,
the Somethin's Fishy ala' mode by My Favorite Things.
It came with a variety of sentiments, but considering how sick
I've been lately, I just had to go with this one.

Tammy also generously provided the white die-cut element,
the green folded cardstock, and the strip of plaid paper
from Basic Grey's Marjolaine collection.
Unfortunately, I stamped my sentiment crooked,
so I ended up just taking my card pieces home and redoing it.
You can see that I also added the background patterned paper,
which is from the October Afternoon Campfire collection (love!),
some ribbon, and a button, and accented my focal piece
with brown faux stitching and a little Antique Linen distressing.

If you ever get a chance to take a class with Tammy, do it!
Besides being a wonderful teacher, she's also
very sweet and encouraging. A lovely and fun lady.
I also recommend following her blog for all sorts of inspiration 
as well as participating in the Color Throwdown Challenge 
where Tammy heads up the Design Team.

She encouraged me to participate, and I'm going to 
make an effort to do so. I'd love it if you join me!

Have a great day!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lawnscaping Challenge #8

Hi everyone!

If you're like me, my most favorite Lawn Fawn stamps
are the critters, so this challenge was right up my alley!
And we have a wonderful sponsor this go-round:

Yay! Lawn Fawn!
The best stamp company in the world, in my opinion!
The winner of this challenge will receive:

Don'tcha just love it?
An excuse to shop without spending a dime.
Doesn't get any better than that.
But as if that weren't enough, take a look at what
our challenge winner will also snag:

A cushy guest designer spot with us in an upcoming challenge!
It's a chance to hang (virtually) with a great group of girls
(if I do say so myself), plus promote your blog and your art.
It's a wonderful opportunity!

Onto my card:

For the raccoon's cape, I stamped him out on a piece of cardstock,
then drew on a cape with a pencil. I cut it out inside the line,
stuck it to another piece of cardstock with removable adhesive,
then traced around my template with a Copic multiliner.
After that I just colored it in and attached it to a freshly
stamped and colored raccoon with a slit cut around his face.

I had a lot of fun making this card and I hope
it brings a smile or a chuckle to a lot of you out there.

Ready to see what the rest of the Design Team has created?
Hop on over to their blogs and leave them some love!
and our amazingly talented guest designer this month:

When you're through, be sure to head over to
and check out all the details to enter.

I can't wait to see your creations!

cardstock: Bazzill
patterned paper: Echo Park
ink: Momento Tuxedo Black and Jenni Bowlin "Spice Tin"
stamps: Lawn Fawn "Critters In The Forest" and "Harold's ABCs"
copics: lots. Let me know if you need specifics and I'll get 'em to you.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

So Sick

Hey gals.
Sorry I've been MIA for so long.
I've been hit with the mother of all flus,
and I'm feeling completely miserable.

The fever made my eyes really sensitive to light,
making it difficult to stare at a computer screen for too long,
so I've been spending lots of time in bed
(I called off two days in a row -- my bosses probably hate me)
surrounded by tissues, drinking tea, and listening to audio books.

Before I got sick, I actually had a crazy crafty week.
My co-worker John's daughter has cancer,
and they're having a huge fundraiser for her this Saturday night
so I made 18 cards (3 gift sets of 6 each) and several
jewelry pieces to donate to the chinese auction.
 I didn't get a chance to take pics before I had to take them in,
so I can't share them with you, but I do have this card that I made
for a birthday party my son Elliott went to a few weeks ago
(laser tag -- how cool is that? He had a blast!).

This card was actually picked by Kelly Marie Alvarez for
the Fawny Flickr Five at Lawn Fawn two weeks ago.
Actually two of my cards were picked, making it the 2nd
and 3rd time I was featured in the three weeks since it began!
I was so honored and thrilled to have my cards chosen.

A couple of things before I head back to bed,
Lawn Fawn is having their April release week,
and they're giving away prizes, so if you haven't entered yet,
head on over there and do so!

And my cousin Ashley over at Roja In Virginia
is putting together a crafty swap that sounds like a lot of fun.
If you're interested, head on over to her blog for the details.

Also, Debbiedoos blog is hosting a newbie party
that looks like a whole lot of fun, so take a look at that
and check out the rest of her blog, which is adorable.
She's even being featured in Country Woman magazine.
AND she's got a Lisa Leonard Giveaway going on
that I desperately want to win because I am in love
with all of Lisa Leonard's work, especially this.

That's it for me tonight.
I better get my sorry behind in bed.
I need to go to work tomorrow, whether I feel better or not.
(Right now, it's NOT.)
Hope you all have a great day tomorrow.

Stay well!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lawnscaping Challenge #7

Hello everybody!

Sounds like so much fun, right?
I just know we're going to get some great entries this go round.
I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

And one of you lucky participants are going to
take home a FABULOUS prize:

Start filling up your shopping cart just in case it's you!

Okay, so here's my card:

The idea for this card came to me while I was staring at
Lawn Fawn's Lunar Lights. I realized that when the square lantern
was lying on it's side, it looked like a shopping bag.
The pun came naturally after that, so I grabbed the kitty
from Critters In The Burbs and with a little masking,
got him stamped inside the bags for my patterned paper.

After I put the whole card together, I thought that the space
between the bag and the cat looked too empty,
so I used the small plain rectangular lantern from Lunar Lights
to make cans of cat food to add visual interest and color.
I wanted to use the small fish from Critters In The Sea
on the cans, but they were too big, so I just drew my own.

So head on over to the Lawnscaping Challenge blog
and see the other amazing design team samples,
and don't forget to visit our individual blogs and leave some
comment love and encouragement.
and our amazingly talented guest designer,
the chica without whom we wouldn't even
get to be here doing this:

One last thing before you run off:
Thank you all so much for participating
in my blog giveaway last week!
The winner of that prize package is

AGohl, who said:
"Totally cute card btw!!!"
Yay! AGohl is my cousin Ashley,
and I know she doesn't have any Lawn Fawn stamps yet,
so I was really excited when the boys drew her name!
Ashley, email me your snail mail address again
and I'll get your package right out to you.

For the rest of you, stay tuned.
I'm already picking out items for my next giveaway!
Until next time, friends, happy stamping!

cardstock: Bazzill
stamps: Lawn Fawn's "Lunar Lights," "Critters In The Burbs," "Teeny Tiny Backdrops," and "Harold's ABCs"
ink: Jenni Bowlin "Malted Milk" and "Stick Candy" and Momento Tuxedo Black
copics: C03, C05, C07, R20, R22, YR04, YR09
twine: Papertrey Ink
button: American Crafts