
Thursday, April 14, 2011

So Sick

Hey gals.
Sorry I've been MIA for so long.
I've been hit with the mother of all flus,
and I'm feeling completely miserable.

The fever made my eyes really sensitive to light,
making it difficult to stare at a computer screen for too long,
so I've been spending lots of time in bed
(I called off two days in a row -- my bosses probably hate me)
surrounded by tissues, drinking tea, and listening to audio books.

Before I got sick, I actually had a crazy crafty week.
My co-worker John's daughter has cancer,
and they're having a huge fundraiser for her this Saturday night
so I made 18 cards (3 gift sets of 6 each) and several
jewelry pieces to donate to the chinese auction.
 I didn't get a chance to take pics before I had to take them in,
so I can't share them with you, but I do have this card that I made
for a birthday party my son Elliott went to a few weeks ago
(laser tag -- how cool is that? He had a blast!).

This card was actually picked by Kelly Marie Alvarez for
the Fawny Flickr Five at Lawn Fawn two weeks ago.
Actually two of my cards were picked, making it the 2nd
and 3rd time I was featured in the three weeks since it began!
I was so honored and thrilled to have my cards chosen.

A couple of things before I head back to bed,
Lawn Fawn is having their April release week,
and they're giving away prizes, so if you haven't entered yet,
head on over there and do so!

And my cousin Ashley over at Roja In Virginia
is putting together a crafty swap that sounds like a lot of fun.
If you're interested, head on over to her blog for the details.

Also, Debbiedoos blog is hosting a newbie party
that looks like a whole lot of fun, so take a look at that
and check out the rest of her blog, which is adorable.
She's even being featured in Country Woman magazine.
AND she's got a Lisa Leonard Giveaway going on
that I desperately want to win because I am in love
with all of Lisa Leonard's work, especially this.

That's it for me tonight.
I better get my sorry behind in bed.
I need to go to work tomorrow, whether I feel better or not.
(Right now, it's NOT.)
Hope you all have a great day tomorrow.

Stay well!


  1. First off, so sorry to hear you're sick... poor thing. That flu sounds awful!! (((hugs))) take good care of yourself!!

    It's no wonder Kelly picked this card... it's just the cutest!!! Actually, all of your LF cards are fantastic. I always leave your blog wanting the LF set you featured. :o)

  2. Great card hun, loving the super bright colours. Sorry that you are so poorly just now. Sending you big warm hugs and get well wishes, Sxx

  3. So sorry you are sick, you should just get rest, so maybe your boss will figure that out when they see you at work. Your card is adorable, love the image and the border around it and such fun, cheery colors.

    Go back to bed and feel better.

  4. Sorry you've been so know it's bad when Momma has to be in bed! I'll be praying that you're feeling better soon!

    Those sets and jewelry sound amazing. I've seen some of your jewelry on your's really have a lot of talent!

    Laser Tag is something my kids would love. Glad Elliot had fun! =)

    Get well!

  5. Sheesh, that sounds like a nasty bug! Hope you feel better real soon! I loved that b-day card you made. Congrats on your 3 fawny flickr nods!!! Have a great day girly! HUGS!

  6. Awww... hope yo u feel better soon!!! Thanks for posting on the swap!!!

  7. So so sorry you have been sick...that's just no fun! I was wondering where you had been. I hope you feel better soon. I'm sad you don't get to share your card sets, but this birthday card is just so cute! Great colors, and appropriate for any age. :) I'm sending well wishes your way, get better my friend!

  8. So sorry to hear you are sick, I can totally sympathise as I am still trying to get over the flu as well :(

    Love your bright and cheerful birthday card.

  9. Oh no :( I hope you start to feel better really soon hun. Just get some good rest. Your card is so cute too! :)


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!