
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Graduation

Happy Tuesday, everybody?
Did you all have a fabulous Memorial Day?
I love it when a holiday falls on a Monday,
because when the work week starts,
you already know you're one day closer to Friday!

And speaking of Fridays, I recently came across a new
(to me, at least) challenge called CAS-ual Fridays.
CAS in the papercrafting world stands for Clean And Simple.
CAS cards are HARD for me.
I always think I need to add "one more thing"
to make a card complete.
Nevertheless, I wanted to challenge myself
and see if I could do it.

The theme of this week's challenge is:

And it's being sponsored by Market Street Stamps
who has a lot of really adorable images.

Here's my card:

I'm not positive it actually qualifies for CAS status...
I'm not clear on what the rules are.
But I did keep it all one layer.
I added dimension by embossing my card front with
an embossing folder by Tim Holtz for Sizzix,
which I think really brings this card to life.

Instead of making a little diploma,
I thought it would be fun to make this funky ruffle
with a page from a vintage book
(Across Five Aprils, if you were wondering).
I really like the effect!

Well, anyway, I hope you all have a great day!
Talk to you again soon!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hay There, Chickadee

Hi there, everbody!
How's your weekend going so far?
We've been having fun.
Last night was Family Movie Night,
so I introducted my boys to the original
Karate Kid with Ralph Macchio.
Now we're hearing a lot of
"Wax on, wax off,
Left-a-circle, hei! Right-a-circle, hei!"
It's quite amusing. ;o)

After I tucked my little Daniel-Sans in bed,
I decided to get a little crafty,
I clicked on one of my favorite color challenges,
and was immediately inspired.
Don't you love it when that happens?

I immediately thought of a barnyard scene,
which was perfect, because my new Lawn Fawn stamps
just arrived in the mail,
and it gave me the perfect opportunity to ink up

After that, I still wasn't tired,
so I decided to log on to my old computer
and read through some of my short stories
and novel beginnings.
For those of you who don't know,
writting has always been my number one passion,
but a crippling case of writer's block hit me
last January, and I haven't written a single thing since.
I was really starting to believe that maybe I'd only
imagined that I had talent as a writer,
and that, in truth, I probably wasn't very good after all.
Reading through some of my pieces last night,
I discovered with tears of relief that some of it
 was actually pretty darn good.
I've been lost in the woods for a long time now,
but I think I am beginning to see the light through the trees
on the other side. Let's hope so.

With that being said, I'm off to my writer's group,
and then to work.
Have a lovely Saturday!

cardstock: Bazzill
paper: Cosmo Cricket, October Afternoon
stamps: Lawn Fawn's Critters on the Farm and Bon Voyage
ink: Momento Tuxedo Black, Ranger Distress in Tea Dye, Peeled Paint, and Tumbled Glass
copics: lots

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fly Free

Hello, again!
I wanted to stop in tonight and post a card
that I made yesterday evening.

I used Lawn Fawn's "Fly Free" and the leaf
from "Critters In The Forest" which I used as a feather,
as well as some gorgeous papers from Little Yellow Bicycle.

Isn't it pretty?

This is one of my personal favorites
of all the cards I've ever made.
It just makes me happy!

I used these two brands specifically
so I could enter this in both the Lawn Fawn
and Little Yellow Bicycle product challenges
my favorite online retailer.
The challenges are both going on until May 31st,
so play along if you get a chance!

I try not to combine too many challenges,
but I also couldn't pass up the 
Wee Memories has the most fun challenges,
and this one is so easy, anyone can join in!
I hope you will!

Have a great evening!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bundle Of Joy Video

Hello, friends!
How's your Monday been so far?
Mine's been good.
My hubby had the morning off because of the rain,
so he and I went to our local garden center 
and picked up some flowers for our front yard.
Can't wait to get those put in! 
My yard is beginning to look so pretty. :o)

Over the weekend I got a chance to get crafty.
I made a "welcome baby" card for my brother
and his girlfriend, who are expecting their first child,
a baby boy, they just found out, in August.

And while I was making it, 
I went ahead and filmed another video.
I hope you like it!
Let me know if you'd like to see more of them
in the future, perhaps even weekly.

(Btw, I don't know why Blogger has blurred
the photo. Click on it to see it clearly.)

Two little notes:
Sorry about the choppiness of the video!
I had to get it from 48+ minutes to under 10,
so I had to do a LOT of editing.
Hopefully I'll get better at that quickly.

Also, I made a couple of additions 
after the film was already uploaded.
The card just didn't seem finished to me.
The above photo is the final result
after I added the pennants and additional buttons.
But I hope you'll enjoy the video anyway.
You can watch here or on YouTube.

Thank you so much for watching!
If you get a chance, please rate my video 
over at YouTube and subscribe to my channel
if you have an account over there.
And of course, any comments or feedback
either here or there are so appreciated.

Have a great day!

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's The Little Things

Happy Friday morning, everybody!
Isn't life grand?
I don't know exactly why,
but I am in SUCH a good mood today!
Despite the fact that I got less than five hours of sleep last night.
Despite the fact that I'm home today with a sick little one
(instead of at the garden center picking up green onions and herbs
to plant in my new little container garden
like I'd planned to spend my day off.)
Despite the fact that if my little guy doesn't start feeling better,
we'll have to cancel the first date night my husband and I
would have had in months...
Despite all that, I just can't stop beaming!

How can I be grumpy on a day like today?
The sun is shining.
My lilacs are blooming and smelling heavenly.
My new little garden is doing so well.
My husband is on summer break from his Thurday night classes,
so I got to attend my writer's group last night,
and will get to for the rest of the summer!
There's still the possibility of the aforementioned date night.
Sometimes, it's the little things that make life great.
Sometimes you really just have to appreciate the beauty
in each puzzle piece, rather than the whole picture.

Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most.
And sometimes you need a card to express that sentiment.

Here's a challenge.
If you've got someone in your life -- maybe a spouse,
a sibling, a parent, a friend, ANYONE
who does little things to make your life
just a little bit easier, just a little bit sweeter.
Why not make them a card today?
And mail it.
Or hand-deliver it.
Or leave it somewhere unexpected where they'll find it
and know.
Really KNOW
how much you appreciate their love and friendship.
Because sometimes it's the little things.
Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most.

cardstock: Bazzill kraft
paper: Fancy Pants
button & twine: Papertrey Ink

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sending You Love Video

Hey there, everybody!
Wow, thank you all so much for stopping by
yesterday and showing me your support during the 
design team reveal of our latest Lawnscaping Challenge.
I really appreciate you ladies so much!

Today I have another card to share,
and a little something extra...
My first card making video!
but not an actual make-a-card video.
Until today. ;o)

So this is the card I made:

And here's the video,
which you can watch here or on You Tube
by clicking the You Tube tab at the bottom right.

Thank you so much for watching!
Maybe I'll do another before too long.

I'd love it if you would stop by on You Tube and rate my video
and leave a comment to let me know if you enjoyed it!

Take care,
and have a wonderful day!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Lawnscaping Challenge #10

Hello there!
Can you believe our 10th challenge is already here?
And, gosh, it's a fun one!
I mean, who doesn't love polka dots, right?
Check it out:

And we have a very special sponsor for you.
Mold Muse has generously donated a $25 gift certificate
to their fantastic Etsy shop for the winner.

If you aren't familiar with Mold Muse, they make
 silicone molds for use with polymer clay and resin.
Kelly Marie Alvarez has two video tutorials here and here,
and Laurel Beard has two here and here.
The molds are fun and easy to use, so be sure to check those out.

Also, the winner of Lawnscaping Challenge #10
will receive a guest designer spot on a future challenge!

Okay, so for my card,
I decided to turn my molded clay flowers into earrings,
and then use them to embellish the front of the card.
This was a super simple project,
and it turned out adorable, don't you think?

To make room for the earring studs behind the panel,
I added 3 layers of dimensional adhesive squares to the 4 corners.

I also wanted to mention that my sentiment came from
Lawn Fawn's Bows & Holly set.
That's what I love so much about Lawn Fawn stamps.
They're so versatile, that even a Christmas set
works perfectly for every day use.
Did you know that Lawn Fawn is also sneak peeking
NINE new sets at their blog this week? Yay!

Speaking of things you don't want to miss,
how about the other design team member's fabulous samples!
and our lovely guest designer

And of course, you'll want to visit the
Lawnscaping Challenge blog for all the details on how to enter.

Have a fantastic week, everybody!

cardstock: Bazzill
patterned paper: My Mind's Eye, DCWV
stamps: Lawn Fawn "Bannerific", and "Bows & Holly"
molds: Mold Muse
clay: Sculpey
ribbon: Pure Color
twine: My Mind's Eye

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The ABCs of Me

Hi, all! So sorry I haven't been around lately. It's been a crazy busy week for me and I've been crafting up a storm -- just not for personal pleasure. At work this week I had 18 custom arrangements that I needed to get done besides my regular work so the store has something to sell. I've finished with 13 of them so far, so I'm getting there... I also had a couple of signs to make for the baskets my writer's group is donating for the Chinese Auction at the Writer's Conference this weekend in Pittsburg, which I am incredibly disappointed to not be able to attend. I'll finish up the last sign tonight right after this. I don't have any pics to share, because I've either been doing these projects at work, or late at night when I don't have good lighting, and oh! I forgot, I also have two sympathy cards that a coworker asked me to make for her. I should really get on those... And there's a new Lawnscaping Challenge coming up this Monday, so I really need to start brainstorming ideas for my Design Team sample card. I'm trying not to wait until the last minute to turn in my project, like I usually do.

ANYWAY, I thought I'd do something different tonight, something a little lighthearted before I dive back into work. How about a quiz? I saw this on one Danielle's Neat & Tangled blog tonight and thought it was a fun way to get to know someone a little better.

So without further ado, here are The ABCs of Me:

1. Age: 34. I still think I'm in my late 20s though.
2. Bed size: Queen. My husband would like a King, but I like that no matter how close to the edge I go, I can still reach back and touch him.
3. Chore you hate: I am proud to say that I have not once in the last five years washed the kitchen floor. I also rarely clean the bathroom (well, except the sink and mirror, which I do every day practically), and only occasionally do laundry. I am fortunate to have an AMAZING husband who enjoys those chores and does them for me. I happily take care of the rest.
4. Dogs: None currently, but we're either adopting a kitty or a dog in the very near future. We're hoping to visit our local shelter tomorrow.
5: Essential to start your day: On work days, I have 30-45 minutes between dropping the kids off at their schools and having to be at work. So I head to Tim Horton's for a Mocha and some quiet time with my latest library book. That's my "me" time. I'd go crazy without it for too long.
6: Favorite color: I love so many. sunshine yellow, vintage blue, periwinkle, indigo... 
7: Gold or silver: I like both, but I'm leaning toward gold lately.
8: Height: 5’4"
9: Instruments you play: I used to play the piano. I miss it. I really, really, really want to learn to play the guitar. I'm close to the point of going out and making it happen.
10: Job title: Floral Designer
11: Kids: three boys. Chaztin (9 1/2), Elliott (8 in June), and Dominic (6)
12: Live: in a house in a lakeside town. I LOVE being near the water. I feel discombobulated without it.
13: Mom’s name: Cindy
14: Nicknames: Sunshine (from my Hubby)
15: Overnight hospital stays: all in Germany. The births of my three boys, plus emergency surgery after an acute case of Mastitis. I was there for nearly three weeks that time. Missed bonding with my two-week old firstborn baby because they wouldn't allow him to stay with me. Worst time of my life.
16: Pet peeve: slow drivers, people who don't signal for a turn, people who curse or talk disrespectfully in front of my children, people who belittle their children or have impossible expectations for their children (I see a LOT of this at work. Hello, his little legs are ONE FIFTH the length of yours! He cannot be expected to keep up with you speedwalking through the aisles! In fact, it's a physical impossibility. So stop yelling at him to!)
17: Quote: "A person's calling ought to be that identifying trait, the thing that makes you who you are. If you want to know what God designed you to do, look what you're doing when you shine." -- Jim Walker

18: Righty or lefty: lefty
19: Siblings: two brothers. Clayton and Jeremy. Both younger.
20: Time you wake up: Ten to seven. Notice how I phrase that. To say it otherwise would mean using a dirty, dirty three-letter word. I have intentionally eradicated that word, when followed by the letters AM, from my vocabulary. If you change it to PM, it's not nearly as threatening.

21: Underwear: You bet'cha. Fresh every day. ;o)
22: Vegetable you dislike: lima beans! Ick! Now there's a word that should rest in peace beside the dirty three-letter-followed-by-AM word.

23: What makes you run late: Having one tiny bathroom in a five-person household. It's madness.
24: X-Rays: a few. I fractured my wrist once. And I've had several at dental visits. I still have two baby teeth.
25: Yummy food you make: Well, if you asked the people who know me personally, they'd probably shout in unison, "CHEESECAKE!" I love cheesecake. I'm making a Bailey's Irish Cream chocolate cheesecake topped with fresh raspberries for my husband's birthday this Friday. I love to cook, and I'm pretty decent at it. Pecan Crusted Salmon is another of my specialties.
26: Favorite zoo animal: Oh, the polar bears! I adore them.

Well, I hope you enjoyed getting to know me and my quirks a little better. :o) If any of you decide to post one of these, please let me know. I'd love to read it!
Until next time, friends.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lawnscaping Challenge #9

Hello everyone, and welcome to the

And check out our generous prize from our sponsor:

I tell ya, this challenge couldn't have come at a more
opportune time, because there are SO MANY birthdays
in my family in the month of May.
My husband, both of my brothers, my mother-in-law,
my nephew, my grandma, my aunt, my husbands aunt,
a cousin of mine, and a couple of my husband's cousins.
It's crazy! So I need to make LOTS of birthday cards.

Here's the first, which I made for this challenge:

I used lots of fun Lawn Fawn stamps to create
my happy little party scene.
This one will be for one of the guys, so I kept it
pretty masculine (i.e. no frills!)
but used bright, primary colors to keep it up tempo.
I hope you enjoy it!

Check out the rest of the incredible Design Team's projects
and please leave them some comment love!
Let them know how much you appreciate them bringing you
these fun challenges again and again.
and our wonderful guest designer this week,
the lovely, sweet, and talented Winter Sims!

After you're through, don't forget to head over to the
 Lawnscaping Challenge blog and get the details to enter!
Thanks so much, ladies! You're the best!

cardstock: Bazzill
paper: My Mind's Eye Lime Twist "Out of the Blue" and "Fly a Kite"
stamps: Lawn Fawn "Say Cheese," "Bake Me A Cake," "Bows & Holly," "Bannerific," and "Sophie's Sentiments"
ink: Momento Tuxedo Black and Jenni Bowlin "Cough Syrup"
twine: Divine Twine