
Friday, May 20, 2011

It's The Little Things

Happy Friday morning, everybody!
Isn't life grand?
I don't know exactly why,
but I am in SUCH a good mood today!
Despite the fact that I got less than five hours of sleep last night.
Despite the fact that I'm home today with a sick little one
(instead of at the garden center picking up green onions and herbs
to plant in my new little container garden
like I'd planned to spend my day off.)
Despite the fact that if my little guy doesn't start feeling better,
we'll have to cancel the first date night my husband and I
would have had in months...
Despite all that, I just can't stop beaming!

How can I be grumpy on a day like today?
The sun is shining.
My lilacs are blooming and smelling heavenly.
My new little garden is doing so well.
My husband is on summer break from his Thurday night classes,
so I got to attend my writer's group last night,
and will get to for the rest of the summer!
There's still the possibility of the aforementioned date night.
Sometimes, it's the little things that make life great.
Sometimes you really just have to appreciate the beauty
in each puzzle piece, rather than the whole picture.

Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most.
And sometimes you need a card to express that sentiment.

Here's a challenge.
If you've got someone in your life -- maybe a spouse,
a sibling, a parent, a friend, ANYONE
who does little things to make your life
just a little bit easier, just a little bit sweeter.
Why not make them a card today?
And mail it.
Or hand-deliver it.
Or leave it somewhere unexpected where they'll find it
and know.
Really KNOW
how much you appreciate their love and friendship.
Because sometimes it's the little things.
Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most.

cardstock: Bazzill kraft
paper: Fancy Pants
button & twine: Papertrey Ink


  1. So glad the sun is shining on you! I hope your little guy feels better soon and that you get to go on that they are absolutely needed! =)

    Love your card and encouragement! Have a beautiful weekend!

  2. Your post today makes me so happy! It's contagious... I'm beaming with you! And that fabulous card with oodles and oodles of goodness.... *swoon*

    Hope your son gets better soon so you and hubby can have that date night. {{{hugs}}}

  3. This is such a happy post! Your card is gorgeous Christy and I hope your son feels better really soon :)

  4. Wow, you´ve got a great style in cards! I thank you for your comment so I could find your blog and I love it!

  5. It's awesome that you can be in such a good mood with all those things not going quite as planned. Beautiful card, I would love to see how you made the flower embellishment!

  6. Such a cute card!!! And I think by your facebook statuses that you got to have your date night... so I am glad... I know how important and very necessary those are! :) :) :)

  7. Thanks, everyone! Elliott started feeling better almost immediately, and by the time we had to make the decision, he was running around all over the place and playing like he'd never been sick. So we did get to go out.

    We went to the Erie Art Museum, walked a little through the downtown area near the bay where there was a car show going on, and then tried a new (to us) Syrian restaurant called the Casablanca Grille where we were one of only two other couples and we had live music and the food was fresh and delicious!

    So the day only got better! :o)

  8. What a great card! I love the mixture of all the patterns!

  9. This is absolutely beautiful!!! The flower is amazing! I actually have a LO on my blog today with one similar - LOVING HANDMADE FLOWERS LATELY!!! Dontcha just also love that {Fancy Pants} paper?!? You used it so beautifully!!!

    I'm so happy to hear your little guy is better and you got your much needed date night. It's so hard to get them {especially when you have more than 1 child}. I'm convinced they are a NEED not a want!! Hope you're doing great - and thanks for always stopping by to visit me and for the sweetness in all of your comments!! You make my day!!


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!