
Friday, August 31, 2012

Mission KitPossible Part Deux: Wrap-up and Winner!

Hey everyone!
Are you enjoying the last weekend of summer?
I sure hope I'll get to!
We have some fun plans, but it will depend on the weather.
Hopefully the sun will hold out. :o)

Anyway, I wanted to do my wrap-up post for the
Mission KitPossible Challenge that I was invited to participate in
by the lovely Melissa Shea and Jen Harris.
If you haven't checked out their wrap-up posts, you simply must!
So much crafty goodness.

This week has been a hectic one, with doctor's appointments
and vet appointments, my kids first full week of school,
and just not feeling that well, but I managed to eke out two cards.

One, I did for the upcoming Lawnscaping Challenge
on Monday, so I'll share it then.
Here is the other:

I hope you enjoy it!

In thanks for leaving all your lovely comments,
I offered up a $10 gift certificate to Simon Says Stamp.
The winner of that giveaway is:


Anita, please email me at penciled whimsies at gmail dot com
to claim your prize.

Thanks so everyone who came and viewed and left kind words.
I hope you had as much fun as I did!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Mission KitPossible Part Deux: The Reveal

Hey everybody!

If you stopped by my blog this past Saturday,
then you know that I teamed up with Melissa Shea
and Jen Harris in Mission KitPossible, where we challenged
each other to make a card from our Simon Says Stamp
Card Kit using the three cues we contributed.

Here's a look at the kit:

The cues we gave each other were:
1. make any card OTHER than a standard 5 1/2" x 4 1/4"
2. use at least three patterned papers
3. use the chalkboard

And here's my card:

From the kit I used three sheets of the woodgrain paper,
the chalkboard, the mini ruler, twine, washi tape,
a Jenni Bowlin sticker tab, and did a little selective stamping
with the stamp set designed by Kristina Werner.

I hope you liked it!

Melissa, Jen and I will each be giving away a $10 gift certificate
to Simon Says Stamp to thank you for stopping by.
All you have to do for a chance to win is:

1. be a blog follower
2. leave a comment

 I'd love it if you'd subscribe to my YouTube channel as well!

I'll announce the winner on Friday
and hopefully have a few more cards made from the kit to share.

Hope you enjoyed September's edition of
Mission KitPossible! I know I did!

Have a great day. :o)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mission KitPossible Part Deux

Hello everyone! 

I'm so excited to bring you a special featured post tonight!
I recently signed up to begin to receiving the 

On an evening of blog hopping, I discovered that my sweet friend
 Melissa Shea had teamed up with the effervescent Jennifer Harris
in what they called "Mission KitPossible" which was basically just
 a super fun way to make sure they were using their kits
and getting the most out of them.

I commented on how awesome I thought it was, 
and to my absolute astonishment, they asked me to join them
for the month of September!

Let me show you this incredible kit:

The items in the kits are hand-selected by the incomparable 
Kristina Werner and are a real value at only $19.99 a month, 
considering the great assortment of product that is included.
Oftentimes there is an exclusive Simon Says Stamp stamp set,
also designed by Kristina Werner herself, such as in this month's kit.

Just looking at all that beautiful product gets me excited to create!
So this is how Mission KitPossible works:
Melissa, Jen and I have each come up with one cue,
giving us three cues altogether that we must use on one card.

The cues are:
1. make any card OTHER than a standard 5 1/2" x 4 1/4"
2. use at least three patterned papers
3. use the chalkboard

We've given ourselves a deadline of Monday evening
for our project reveals, so please be sure to come back for that.
Melissa, Jen and I will also be doing a giveaway on each 
of our blogs, and what's more -- we'd love for you to play along!

If you receive the Simon Says Stamp kit, 
please feel free to use our cues to make a project of your own
and link it up in the comments of Monday's reveal post.

Until then, I wish you all a fabulous weekend,
and happy crafting!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hey There, Soldier

Hello, happy Friday!

Today I wanted to share a card I made a little while ago
for the Heroes Card Drive that Lawnscaping was hosting
through the months of June and July.

I used the stamp set Our Heroes
from the absolutely adorable Deasy Designs,
who by the way, is releasing two brand-new stamp sets!
Be sure to check those out.

I kept the card flat for mailing purposes,
using paper from Simple Stories Awesome 6x6 pad
and a sentiment from Paper Smooches.

I hope you like it!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sour Cream Container Teacher Gifts

Good morning!
Today is my kids first day of school!
I'm just as excited as they are.
I loved having them home all summer,
but just like last year, I never got so much as an hour
to relax all by myself.

Back-to-school time brings with it a slightly different 
hectic schedule, but between school drop off times and work, 
I have about an hour to myself every morning.
I take a book to Tim Hortons, grab myself a mocha 
and a muffin, and have some ME TIME.
*happy sigh*

Can't wait.

Anyway, I thought I'd share a video tutorial
on how I made my teacher gifts this year. 
They're super quick, easy, and inexpensive --
I made the whole lot of six gifts for $5!
Plus, the sour cream containers are so easily customizable
for party favors, stocking stuffers, and any other kind
of holiday gift or treat you can think of.

I hope I inspire you to make some of your own.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Haul Video #2

Hey all!
I just wanted to stop in and share a (not so) quick haul video
I filmed over this past weekend.
It's a compilation of products I've purchased over the last 
two months or so, from MossyMade, Butterfly Reflections, Ink,
WPlus9 Design Studio, Simon Says Stamp,
Monkey Business Scrapbook Lounge, A.C. Moore,
and TJ Maxx.

I always like seeing the product up close and personal,
and I hope you will too.

I also tell you a little bit about the newest addition to our family,
our dog Zadie that we adopted from our local shelter
two weeks ago Monday. She is the sweetest, most beautiful dog
and we just love her to pieces already.
Watch through to the end for two pictures of her.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My First Deco Mesh Wreath

Hey there! 
I just wanted to pop in and share a fun story with you all.
I think you all know by now that I work as a
floral designer in a local craft store.

I've made hundreds of wreaths in the last two years, 
but Sunday night I decided to try making my first deco mesh wreath.

Before I was even halfway done, I got called away from my station
and while I was gone a lady passed by and saw it. 
She spotted my co-worker Melina and asked her who was making it.
Then she tracked me down at the other end of the store!

She said, "Don't you DARE sell that wreath!
It's so beautiful! I NEED it! It's exactly what I've been looking for!"
Talk about a confidence boost! :o)

But keep in mind that at that point, I only had the green deco mesh,
the pumpkin print ribbon, and the inner layer of gold ribbon on it.
So I was still pretty nervous, hoping she would still be so 
enthusiastic about it when it was all done.

I finished too near to closing time for her to pick it up that night,
so I worried about it all day Monday on my day off.
This morning, I made a beeline for the back of the store
where we keep the special orders that are waiting to be picked up,
and was so pleased and relieved to discover it was gone!

She had picked it up the night before!
Yay, me! :o)

Can't wait to make another!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lawnscaping Challenge #40

Hello everyone! Happy Monday!
I just love Mondays. I do!
Might have something to do with the fact that it's my day off. ;o)
Plus, every other one, just about, brings a new Lawnscaping Challenge!
And that's always a reason to smile.
Today we're bringing you Lawnscaping Challenge #40.

A huge and special thanks to our dear friends over at Lawn Fawn
who have generously sponsored us with a free stamp set -- winner's choice!

Here's my card:

I made this card for a sweet friend from High School
named Charity, who recently gave birth to a baby boy named Maxx.
I used a variety of Lawn Fawn alpha sets,
Quinn's ABCs, Sally's ABCs, Harold's ABCs, and Jessie's ABCs,
as well as Bannerific, Plus One, and Critters in the Forest.
Maxx's room theme was owls, which is why I used this
adorable one as my focal image.

I hope she likes it!
And I hope you did too!

Please head over to the Lawnscaping Challenge blog
to see all the other amazing design team projects
and find out how to play along in our current challenge.
We can't wait to see your projects!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Have a crafty day!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Customized iPhone Case

Hey all!
I just wanted to share a video I filmed recently
on how to make and customize your own iPhone cases.
It's totally simple and you can do a million different looks.

It's being featured as a Fresh Cuts video tutorial
over at the Lawnscaping Challenge blog today as well.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Lawnscaping Challenge #39

Hello there!

Our One Layer Challenge is brought to you by Simon Says Stamp,
who has generously donated a $25 gift certificate to the winner!

Simon Says Stamp

I have to admit, I am usually a girl who is all about
layers, textures, and embellies, so this challenge was HARD!
I actually made a completely different card that I ended up
deciding against submitting for the Design Team,
and was much more pleased with my second attempt.

It seems like lately there's been lot of controversy
in the media over one thing or another,
so when this sentiment came to me, I went with it.
Not trying to tell anyone what to do,
it's more a message for myself than anyone else.
This is the kind of person I want to be.
A person who sends out love, knowing that
it always comes back around to you.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

Please be sure to stop by the Lawnscaping Challenge blog
for all the details on how to enter, 
and check out the other amazing DT projects.
And be sure to say hello to our guest designers!
I am so freaking thrilled to have Julie Ebersole
with us this month! Eek! 
I'm just a little star-struck to be honest.
I'm a huge fan of hers, for sure.

Hope you all have the most fantastic day!