
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Miles Apart, But Close In My Heart

Happy Sunday evening, everyone! I hope your week is off to a good start. My family and I are in great spirits because our team won the 2014 Fifa World Cup today. Yay, Germany!

Being that my husband is German and our three boys were born in Germany and are half-German (we were also married there and lived there for five years) there was, as you might expect, quite a bit of hooting and hollering going on in our house this afternoon.

So since I was in a celebratory mood, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to play along with the new Mama Elephant & Me Challenge.

This month's inspiration photo is all about celebrations, so I used everyone's favorite party favor -- balloons! I used one of my favorite go-to stamp sets, Up & Away and colored it in with Spectrum Noirs, pulling my colors from the inspiration photo as well, though I did swap red for the hot pink, to keep it gender-neutral. I paired it with a sentiment from my other favorite new set, In My Heart.

This will be another card going in my box for Operation Write Home.

I hope you like it!


  1. Oh so cute Christy and as usual your colouring is incredible! So glad you could join us at Mama Elephant & Me!

  2. Super adorable Christy! Your design and coloring - absolutely wonderful! Thanks so much for playing with us at Mama Elephant & Me!

  3. Oh gosh! This is so sweet and cute! I've been resisting those stitched borders from ME for so long but cards like yours make it so hard.

  4. yay!! awesome card!! LOOOOOOVE your coloring, as always!! and these images are from seriously one of my favorite stamp sets! and i just LOVE that aqua/blue base you used for the bottom! amazing! and yahooo for germany! :)

  5. Girl, as always, this is amazing. Love the colors and your coloring! Love the sprinkles of sequins too!!! Thanks so much for joining us at the Mama Elephant and ME challenge! :)

  6. Oh Christy, this card is absolutely adorable! Your coloring is beautiful, as always, and I love how you created this really cute scene!


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!