
Saturday, October 1, 2016

10K Subscriber Celebration Hop Winners!

Good morning, friends! This is an exciting day for me because I get to announce the winners of my 10K Subscriber Celebration Hop! You all made the occasion so special for me and I just can't thank you enough! I also want to thank all my special guests who created such awesome projects, and also my wonderful sponsors for enabling me to give out five amazing prizes!

Without further ado, the winners are....

The winner of the Avery Elle Band Camp stamp set is... 
Teresa Doyle!

The $25 Gift Certificate to Butterfly Reflections Ink goes to... 
Larissa Heskett!

The winner of the $25 Newton's Nook Gift Certificate is...
Jeanne Jordan!

The $25 Gift Certificate to WPlus9 goes to...
Lisa Lahiff!

And the winner of the $50 Gift Certificate to Lawn Fawn is...
Maaike Uijthoven!

Congratulations to all my winners! You have 72 hours to contact me at penciled whimsies at gmail dot com to claim your prize. Otherwise new winners will be chosen.

Huge thanks again to everyone who hopped along! You made it the best birthday ever! Have a great day!



  1. Congrats to all and you, again, too!!

  2. YAY, Thank You Christy! I am so excited to be one of your winners! Congratulations to all of the other ladies!
    I just emailed you...

  3. Congrats again, Christy. It was a fun hop, and so exciting that my name was selected!! THANK YOU

  4. Congratulations to all of the winners!!!!


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!