
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Line Edits

Well, I finished my short story for the Writer's Digest Prompt Contest today. I spent the afternoon locked away in my bedroom (thank goodness hubby was home to manage the kids) and after a couple of clacking away on the laptop, I was able to type those two blessed words, "the end."

By that time, it was 6:30, which is exactly when I have to leave if I'm going to make it on time to the coffee house where my Thursday night writer's group meets. So I hurriedly plugged it into the printer, and ran upstairs to change while my copy came out.

It's a fairly decent story with a nice surprise ending, if I do say so myself. ;o) And my writer's group only had positive things to say, so that's always nice. The only trouble is, it's 871 words, while the word limit for the contest is 750. So I've got a bit of cutting to do.

So, if you're looking for me tomorrow morning, you'll find me at my favorite Tim Hortons, a cafe mocha and a red Pilot Precise pen in hand, "murdering my darlings" as we writers like to say. When it has to be done, it has to be done. And a story is usually the better for it.


  1. Ah, editing is something writers have a love-hate relationship with :) Love it because it makes their work so much better, hate it because we have to 'murder our darlings'.

    Good luck on the story! It sounds like you've done a good job on it :)

  2. So cool Christy and love your photo...did you get a lot done today??? I didn't get your address for my blog candy. Do you mind sending it to
    Thanks sooooo much! So happy you won!


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!