
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Notecard Notebooks

First off, I want to say a HUGE thank you to Kathy from The Daily Marker, who hosted the blog candy giveaway that I mentioned two weeks ago. She announced the winner last night and IT WAS ME!!! Can you believe it? I can't! I never win anything! I'm beyond thrilled. The supplies are just gorgeous, and will really add so much to the little stash I've started. I can hardly wait to start crafting with them! So thanks again, Kathy! You're amazing!

On to today's craft. This project was so simple and easy, that I cannot believe I never thought of it before. I don't know about you, but my boys love little notebooks. They often play firefighters, police, or my personal favorite, spies, hiding around corners and taking notes on the suspect (me) as I partake in questionable activities such as folding the laundry or wiping down counters.

Last night they were once again out of notebooks, but rather than buy them as usual, I thought of this blog and my goal to live more creatively, and decided to make them myself. After scrounging around for something to use as a cover, I opened my stationary box and had a complete DUH! moment. Notecards! Of course!

Here's what you need:

any size notecard (you could even use a special birthday card you don't want to toss)
5 or more sheets of paper - printer, lined, graph, whatever
scissors or paper trimmer
stapler with bottom that hinges out

Here's what you do:

Measure or trace your notecard onto paper stack. Cut out with scissors or paper trimmer to about 1/8" smaller than outline. Line paper up inside notebook, train into the fold. Hold carefully in place with fingers or paperclips. Open stapler, staple 2-3 times along outside fold of notecard.

Tip: If you're having trouble getting your staples to fold over, staple onto the arm of a couch, or a sturdy throw pillow. The staples will stick straight out and you will be able to fold them over by hand or with a letter opener or butter knife.

And that's it! My kids loved them, and it was such a simple, quick and easy thing to do. These vintage cereal box cards were part of an 8 pack I picked up in the $1 bins at Michaels like two years ago, so it was also extremely inexpensive. And bonus, I can use the leftover envelopes for the handmade cards I create. Or you could use really cute cards and make them as gifts or party favors, tucking them into the envelopes as gift wrap. Lots of options here.
Hope you like them!

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty cool! These would make really cute gifts, fillers for Easter baskets, or stocking stuffers.¨


Thank you so much for taking a few moments to brighten my day!